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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On-campus / Second-year Student

The interview atmosphere was very casual. After waiting for about ten minutes in the admissions office waiting room, I was escorted to an interview room by a second-year MBA student. The first five minutes of the interview was a casual conversation outlining the items on my resume.

The interviewer then said he had to “get through” some specific questions. After he asked a question, I would respond, and he would frequently comment on my responses, or ask follow-up questions. It was a very casual, conversational interview.

Some specific questions that were asked:

  • Tell me some of your weaknesses
  • Describe your leadership style
  • Tell me about a time you were involved in a confrontation, either at work or in your personal *life
  • Why an MBA? Why Wharton? Why now?
  • What are your plans post-MBA?
  • As a non-traditional applicant, how do you plan to ensure that you can keep up with the quantitative coursework here?

There was nothing surprising about the interview, other than how conversational and pleasant it was. I left Wharton with a great feeling about the school and its students.