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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus

I had my interview in February 2009 in the office of my interviewer. The Alumnus graduated in 2003 and works in the PE/VC industry. It was by far the most relaxed and talkative interview I ever had.

He briefly introduced him self and his responsibilities at work and asked me “walk me through your résumé”, my career path to date (with several follow up questions), and something about my current responsibilities.

Then we talked for at least 30 mins about why MBA / why Wharton / why now / ST and LT goals. I had solid arguments even though I had not visited the School. I tried to be very detailed naming Professors, Courses, Research Centers at Wharton which are specific to my needs for my future career.

Finally, it was my turn to ask questions and I was happily surprised by his enthusiasm towards his MBA experience. After more than one hour I left him with a great impression about the School and the well-rounded experience one can gain at Wharton.