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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R2 /Alumni Interview

Overall feeling was mixed. Well, I can say that it was okay, as the interviewer is a very nice guy. I can’t really read his responses though. Hopefully I did good enough for him.

I wasn’t really nervous, however, he asks so many follow up questions after asking me something, and I guess I didn’t get to finish a lot of my answers. Here are the questions:

  1. So, tell me about yourself? then alot of follow up questions..
  2. Why XX company?
  3. What is XX graduate program in YY company? What was the highlight of your career in YY company? Don’t be modest.
  4. Where do you travel? What did you do? Were you alone?
  5. Why MBA?
  6. Why now?
  7. Which schools did you apply to? Why those schools?
  8. If you got accepted to all of those schools, which school will you choose? Be honest.
  9. What is your goal? What do you want to do post-MBA?
  10. So, with whom did you talk to about Wharton? (current students & alums)
  11. What makes you unique?
  12. What’s your GMAT score?
  13. What’s your GPA?
  14. How did you rank in your class?
  15. Is there anything else you would like to ask me?

So, then after the interview ends, he actually gave me feedback about how I did in my interview. He said, “Good, obviously you speak fluent English”, but then he gave me 3 things that he thought I could improve. Wow, I didn’t expect this at all. He actually said, this might help you with your other school interviews. I thanked him for the feedback and the interview.