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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / AdCom Member

I was interviewed by Adcom member in India. Interview lasted 30 minutes and mostly all standard questions were asked. Adcom Member was encouraging and responded with a line on her personal experience by looking at my particular extra-curricular activity. Here are the questions she asked:

  1. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  2. What kind of IT product do you want to work upon?
  3. Why wharton?
  4. what do you want to take away from wharton?
  5. What do you do outside work?
  6. Are you involved in community work outside professional work?
  7. what is your major accomplishment?
  8. Have you developed any management philosophy?
  9. your leadership experience in other areas?
  10. any international experience?
  11. Anything else you want me to know about your candidacy?
  12. Questions for me?

I think other than 12, I responded well in other questions. I was not able to recall what all things I wanted to ask her.

In all it was a good experience. Lets see what happens on 20th December.