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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alum / R2

Wow, this was an interesting but tough interview (of the 3 that i have done so far). Conversational but very formal.

  • Which schools have you applied to and what is the status of these schools?
  • Walk me thru ur Resume (spent about 20 mins on it, with very detailed questions)
  • Career goals (spent another 15 mins on it)
  • Why Wharton (this is where it was grilling, lots of Why questions and counter arguments that its not the right school for me) (15 mins)
  • Leadership example
  • Questions for interviewer

Total about 70 mins. If you want a more straight forward route, take the phone/hub option :). Although I must say that the interviewer has made me rethink long and hard about W and if its the right school for me and she had some valuable advise for me.

Overall I left thinking that I definitely could have done much much better.
