Courtesy of Hilibilly
The hub interview in Mumbai was actually a mix of alumni and adcom inteviewing applicants. I interviewed with adcom and we started off conversationally on how much better it is to schedule an interview on Sunday (I had expressed some solidarity that he was working on Sunday). He took my resume and asked me to start off by telling him about myself in relation to my CV. He picked up in between and asked questions on my choice of undergraduate course, post-grad course and why I chose to work in the company I started with. I was a little nervous at first since I had not expected to be talking about my undergaduate courses but his body language and questions made me comfortable. We spent a lot of time talking about my work – he happened to know about my line of work and we discussed that in depth. We moved on to the following questions, taken very conversationally:
- why MBA now, when your career seems to be going great guns and you’re obviously very happy with your job (this tied in with my long term and short term goals)
- Why Wharton specifically
- How can I give back to the Wharton community (I thought I floundered a bit on this – just had one instance where I could help and not many more)
- What do I do outside of work (hobbies, volunteering etc)
- If I had any questions for him
- some more technical questions on my job and him telling me to send him a bill for all the time I spent telling him about my work:-)
He ended the interview saying it was a pleasure and that I should write him an email if I had any more questions. He also told me of more ways on how I could give back to the Wharton community by tying up my short term goals with it (I asked him). He told me a bit about loan forgiveness programs before and after school for applicants with a non-profit background. I really appreciated how smoothly the interview went – he conducted it really well and made sure he addressed all my queries. I could have structured my answers in a more succinct manner but am satisfied that I said everything that I had to say.
The interviewer was strict with the time limit of 30 minutes – I think we overshot it by 4-5 minutes in the end.