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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions

I interviewed on-campus with a second year student. She was really pleasant and the interview was extremely conversational. The whole thing lasted about 25 minutes. Here are the questions as I remember them:

  • Walk me through your resume?
  • What are you working on right now? What will you do next week?
  • How would your peers describe you?
  • Discuss three strengths and three weaknesses? (perhaps the toughest question. What was she thinking? 3 weaknesses?
  • Do many people with your non-traditional background go for MBA? Why do you want an MBA?
  • What activities do you plan to pursue while at Wharton?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In retrospect I was perhaps too enthusiastic and energetic in my interview. In the end I got waitlisted at Wharton but accepted at HBS, my top choice.