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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On campus / Second-year student

I am an R1 Applicant . Interviewed in Philly with a second year student. Nature of interview: Friendly, lasted about 30 minutes. Questions:

  1. Career progress based on my resume
  2. Why MBA?
  3. Why wharton?
  4. Why now?
  5. How would you resolve any issues as a team lead.
  6. Long and short term career goals.
  7. Describe a situation when you dealt with resistance and how you dealt with it?
  8. Anything you would like to add?
  9. Any questions for me?

Over all the experience was very good and positive although I felt that there was not enough time to go through many important aspects of my profile. Although I have a pretty significant work experience the interviewer did not spend much time to elicit that information.