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Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

I arrived on campus at 9 am and participated in the different activities they offered for interviewees. The day in general was very impressive and enjoyable, with an interesting lunch speaker, tour of the campus, and class observation. My interview was early afternoon, and was with an adcom. Started off with basic questions like tell me about yourself, what do you do in your job, and some follow up questions asking me to provide detail on certain things I said. I’d suggest knowing your application inside and out and know exactly what you want to do when you graduate and what internship you’d like because the adcom grilled me pretty good on what I said. I’d also suggest knowing what your Plan B is if whatever your goal/Plan A falls through. Overall, it was pretty straight forward and in line with what I have read about HBS interviews. The adcom was extremely friendly and enthusiastic, and it was definitely my most enjoyable interview experience. I was accepted last week in the 1st round.

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