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Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Second-year student / On Campus

I was really excited to visit SOM and felt that it was a great fit from what I had reach/heard from former and current students. The on-campus experience unfortunately was a disappointment. We spent most of our time crammed in two rooms with nothing to do, and the class visit was a painfully boring lecture. The class visit was followed by a campus tour which was hampered by the fact that the tour guides seemed like they didn’t even like the campus or New Haven (one of our tour guides noted that there is “absolutely nothing to do in New Haven”–not exactly the school’s best salesman to introduce to prosepective students. The campus tour ended with a lunch where none of the second year students spoke to myself and 3 other interviewees. We did not get a chance to see any of the new building, but we were told we could walk by ourselves if we’d like.

After the lunch, I had my interview. It was with a second-year student. The interviewer was very, very cold and did not seem interested in anything I said. It was all behavioral questions–tell me about a time you faced a deadline, tell me about a time you disagreed with your boss, tell me about a time you improved something in your office. It was all over the place and the only question that was straight-forward was “Why SOM.” I did not feel prepared for the questions and did not think it went very well.

I was accepted in the first round last week. I do not plan on going.

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