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Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year student / On campus: Super Day

Super Day included about 150 interviewees and a full day of events.

  • 10am breakfast
  • 11am intro with dean
  • 1145 ‘mind games’ a mini class with a professor
  • lunch
  • tour
  • closing reception

You step out whenever you have your interview.

My interviewer and I actually had mutual friends, small world. The conversation was very informal. I probably ran on a bit since I was so excited/nervous about interviewing.

  • Tell me about your current job and how you got it/there?
  • Tell me a time when you were a leader?
  • Tell me a time when you were behind deadline and what happened?
  • Why an MBA and why Yale?
  • Any questions for me?

In total it was about 40 minutes long.

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