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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Overview: My interview took place on Kellogg Interview Day (KID).
As soon as I reached the venue, I was asked to submit my resume.
I was later informed that my interviewer would go through my resume for 15 mins
before the start of the interview. (That is why they asked for resumes at the reception counter.)
The interview was blind. My resume was the only information my interviewer had.
The interview lasted for 45 mins as was mentioned in the email.

– Walk me through your resume.
– Did you face any problems when you first came to “country X”?
– Did you first start your job in “your home country”?
– Explain to me how “your products” are developed at “your company”.
– Give me an example of your leadership experience.
– Give me an example of a difficulty you faced in your career. How did you overcome it?
– Why do you want to do an MBA?
– What are your short term and long term goals and why Kellogg?
– How is the Kellogg program different from other general management programs?
– How will you contribute to Kellogg?
– You have mentioned in your resume something about “your extra-currics”. What do you mean?
– Is there anything else you want me to convey to the adcoms?
– Anything more
– Any questions for me?

I was also asked a few follow-up questions regarding my work.

Atmosphere: The interviewer was friendly and he created a very relaxed atmosphere.
The interview was conversational and we spoke a lot about economy X, current challenges, ways to improve, etc.
He also knew my undergraduate college and had a positive impression about it.

What I felt: The discussions about the economy, my undergraduate experiences, etc.
helped me to build a strong rapport with my interviewer.
Towards the end, he said something on the lines of “I am going to recommend you” but I am not sure
what to make of it.
We had exchanged business cards at the beginning of the interview. I sent him a thank you note.
We are still in touch and are now discussing when to meet next.

Surprises: None

What didn’t surprise me: It seemed my interviewer’s biggest agenda was to check my “fit” with Kellogg.

Conclusions about Kellogg from this experience:
Kellogg is really big on “teamwork and collaboration” (cliche I know!).
What I mean is, if a person cannot talk and form bonds with other people at work,
Kellogg is not the school to go.
Kellogg truly believes that it takes strong interpersonal skills to excel in the field of business and management.

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