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April 2, 2024 5:42am ET
Enrolled: Undecided
Admitted: U. Chicago Booth , NYU Stern , UCLA Anderson $
Applied: U. Chicago Booth, Columbia, Dartmouth / Tuck, Duke / Fuqua, NYU Stern, UCLA Anderson, UPenn / Wharton, Yale SOM
Entering Year: 2024
Post MBA Career: Asset Management, inc. Hedge Funds Companies: Fidelity, State Street, Other
GMAT: 720
GPA: 3.4
Location: NYC

Interested in investment management at LOs/debt oriented funds post-MBA.
WL at CBS so if I can convert before Booth deposit is due I’ll choose that.
Money at UCLA made me think hard about it vs NYU, but if all else equal will be in Chicago this fall!