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May 28, 2024 4:36pm ET
Applying: Columbia, Harvard Business School, Northwestern / Kellogg, Stanford GSB, UPenn / Wharton, Yale SOM
Intake Year: 2025
Pre-MBA Career: Ex-Strategy Consultant, Current Corporate Strategist
Post-MBA Target Industry: Consumer Goods, Entrepreneurship, Other Companies: PepsiCo , Other
GRE: 320
GPA: 3.47
Years of Work Experience: 6
Location: East Coast
Post MBA Location: East / West Coast

Thanks so much for featuring me on ApplyWire a couple years ago! It was unreal to hear my profile get featured by THE Graham and Alex!

I have now have an updated profile now for the Clear Admit team. I've also been listening pretty regularly to the podcast -- you guys keep me MOTIVATED! Congrats on the BIG events the Clear Admit team has launched recently btw!

More about me and my app:

I'm looking to apply Round 1 this year (enrolling Class of 2025)

My top schools include GSB, HBS, Wharton followed by Kellogg, Booth, CBS, SOM (order reflects priority). Not sure if I should go HSW only for round 1 then round 2 expand to all schools? Would love input here from the experts!

Overall, I'm not sure how "strong" I would be vs. applicants for H/S/W and would love input on how to really increase my odds for these top schools. Thank you again for all you guys do for us MBA hopefuls!

Demographics: American born Asian female, from a first generation low income background (for more context on FGLI: I am first to be born in the US after my parents were displaced by the Vietnam war...we were on foodstamps in my childhood; mom was disabled after I was born, dad worked blue collar jobs all his life; I ran a small arts and crafts business in middle school to high school to have money for food, supplies, and some "for fun" things)

Education: top 50 private university

Work experience: previously management consulting (Strategy and Operations), most recently corporate strategist for a top firm most MBBs exit to

Leadership: extensive leadership experience via DEI extracurriculars from college to all the companies I've worked for. I've have 6 leadership positions largely in the DEI space (and sports), including being a council member / founder / leader / co leader of established DEI work & non work organizations (all are career & women centric / minority centric / first gen low income centric)

Community involvement: in a women centric volunteering organization since graduation + first gen low income volunteer work to help college / high school students

Test scores: currently scoring ~320 with about 1-3 months to go for my 1st GRE test (am almost certain that I can score 330+ by my third test in August if I really push myself)

GPA: ~3.50; 2 business majors; worked part time (work study) during my time as a student. Went through family difficulties as FGLI student throughout highschool into college (and now), family & undiagnosed health complications resulted in much lower GPA in certain classes than intended (though I still graduated with honors --- is this something I write about in my optional essay given some low grades are from my business classes?)

Why an MBA: career progression in corporate strategy in the short - medium term (I'll likely stay in my company / current industry without sponsorship) // validate that this is the "right" career path for me"; in the long long term, I may start a company in the consumer goods space but that is very TBD and something I won't mention in the app.