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June 3, 2024 3:29pm ET
Applying: Berkeley / Haas, Dartmouth / Tuck, Harvard Business School, MIT Sloan, Northwestern / Kellogg, Stanford GSB, U. Chicago Booth, UPenn / Wharton, Yale SOM
Intake Year: 2025
Pre-MBA Career: Product Manager
Post-MBA Target Industry: Technology, Venture Capital
GMAT: 705
GPA: 3.34
Years of Work Experience: 5
Location: Midwest

Work Experience: 2 years in Technical Consulting, 3 years Product Management in Clean Tech. 2 Promotions at current company, manage two PMs.

GMAT: 705 (81Q, 90V, 84DI)

Academics: Liberal Arts background. I've completed MBA Math to help show quantitative readiness.

Extracurriculars: Running a marathon (like everyone else), volunteering with organization for disadvantaged children

Career Goals: Product Management or Strategy at big tech, Clean Tech VC