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September 2, 2024 8:48am ET
Question about All Schools

I am an ORM reapplicant applying to M7s for August 2025 intake. I am currently in the process of switching jobs (last stages of interviews) as well as take the GRE to bump my score (had 720 on old GMAT before). I was able to get a 323 on the GRE but I’m planning to retake it later this month.

1. Is it better to wait and apply in round 2 if doing so allows me to complete switching my job (would go from a software engineer to tech consulting at Big 4) and probably improve on the GRE to go above the average GRE score at those schools?

2. Do the odds of acceptance between round 1 and round 2 drop?

3. Would it be better to apply in round 1 and provide updates about job change and the new GRE score as soon as I have them? (I am just worried that if my initial application doesn’t show much different than the last time I applied, I’ll get screened out and might not even get a chance to provide updates 3-4 weeks after application deadline).

Plz help!

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