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Yale SOM MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for Yale SOM MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom

The interview felt like a structured conversation, but I could tell they were evaluating me throughout. Yale interviewers are known to be very friendly and smart, and it was exactly that IMO. It started with the typical “walk me through your resume” question, which gave me a chance to introduce my current role and some of the key initiatives I’ve been involved in.

One of the main areas of focus was on teamwork and a piece of work I’m proud of. I was asked to describe a situation where I disagreed with a colleague and how I approached the resolution. I shared a relevant example from my experience that highlighted both my ability to balance different perspectives and the impact of it which I liked.

They also wanted to know about my post-MBA goals and how would Yale SOM help me get it. I talked broadly about the impact I want to make in my future career and how the career center, other schools at Yale and the social impact focus clubs aligns with that vision. Overall, it was a thorough conversation I would say.

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