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Northwestern Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year student / Zoom

Image for Northwestern Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year student / Zoom

The interviewer was a friendly second-year student. She asked many questions and dug deeper into each one, yet the interview remained conversational.

Questions asked:

  • Introduction about yourself
  • Long-term and short-term goals
  • Your promotion and transfer between different positions
  • Your extracurricular activities or something not on your resume
  • A time you worked in an ambiguous situation
  • A time you received criticism
  • Your biggest weakness
  • Your greatest strength
  • What do you enjoy most and least about your work?
  • A time you dealt with a challenging person
  • A time you worked with people from diverse backgrounds or teams
  • Why an MBA?
  • Why Kellogg?
  • Q&A session
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