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Stanford GSB MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Image for Stanford GSB MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Interview lasted around 1 hour and 25 mins (schedule for 1 hour). Took place in the Alum’s office in London.

I didn’t get the walk me through your resume/ tell me about yourself question. We just chit chatted about where in Italy I’m from since the alum is also Italian. Before he dove into questions, he told me what to expect: he told me he’d interrupt me because he knows what he’s looking for so if I were going in the wrong direction or if he already got what he wanted he’d move to the next question.

Here are the questions he asked:
– Tell me about a time you spotted an opportunity/problem.
– Tell me about a time you had an obstacle/challenge and how you solved it
– Tell me about a time you had to got the support of others to get something done?
– Tell me about a time you helped someone develop a skill.
– Why GSB?

For each question he asked a few follow up questions. The latter half of the interview was spent with him answering my questions about his career to date, his experience at the GSB and giving me life/MBA advice – sharing peals of wisdom I’ll take with me regardless of the outcome of my application.

I was actually surprised by how enjoyable the interview was. It very much felt like a conversation and the alum was genuinely interested in getting to know me and did everything to put me at ease. The whole experience just reinforced for me how special the GSB is.