The following is a guest post from Ray Hwang, a first-year student in Kellogg’s Two-Year MBA Program. The post was originally published on Kellogg's Full-Time MBA blog, The Inside Perspective. Ray is a leader in both the Marketing Club and High Tech Club, and he will be interning at LinkedIn on the Product Marketing team this summer. Before Kellogg, Ray worked at General Mills.
When I was young, my brother and I would occasionally use a branch or toy hammer to bang each other on the knee, hoping to see the patellar reflex in action. We saw doctors do it on TV and, as over-confident children, naturally felt we could achieve the same results without any training. Unsurprisingly, it never really worked. To this day I’m still unconvinced I actually have the knee-jerk reflex.
There is a reflex, however, which I undeniably have and I’m sure you do, too. It’s a new digital reflex, brought on by the rise of mobile, to turn to whatever device is at hand to satisfy our need for information right in the moment. For example, recently my friend told me about a movie he enjoyed the night before, and without even thinking, I pulled out my phone to read reviews and find a theater near me where it was playing.
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