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May 22, 2021 5:02am ET
Applying: Berkeley / Haas, Duke / Fuqua, Michigan / Ross, Northwestern / Kellogg, Stanford GSB
Intake Year: 2022
Pre-MBA Career: Innovation Consulting
Post-MBA Target Industry: Technology Companies: Apple , Google , LinkedIn , Other
GRE: 336
GPA: 3.15
Years of Work Experience: 4
Location: US
Post MBA Location: Anywhere outside the Southern US

Hi Alex and Graham - long time listener, first time caller. I’m an African American female who studied Chemical Engineering at a T20 undergrad (think Vanderbilt). I work in innovation consulting at a T2 firm and want to use an MBA to pivot to product mgmt for a B2C tech company. In the long term I’d like to work in the social innovation space. I’m looking to an MBA to provide a business foundation and analytics skills - my job is fairly qualitative.

I’ve been at my current company since graduating from undergrad and will be matriculating at the 3.5/4 year mark. I’m a high performer at work, often leading teams with members who have more tenure than me and have been client facing early in my career. I’ve worked with international clients (albeit during Covid, so remotely) and have led C-Suite innovation workshops. I’m involved in leading ERGs and social impact initiatives at my office and also run a blog (it’s not super well performing, just my general thoughts on business trends and innovation).

In undergrad I was highly involved on campus - I was a social committee lead for my dorm, a lead academic planning advisor, led social impact initiatives, and an orientation coach. My GPA is definitely on the lower side - I was just super unhappy in my major. I’ve taken Statistics and Macroeconomics courses at a local community college and gotten an A in both, and plan to mention that in an optional essay.

I’d be happy to provide additional details if you’d like to feature me on the podcast!