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September 13, 2024 5:38am ET
Applying: Columbia, Harvard Business School, MIT Sloan, Stanford GSB, UPenn / Wharton
Intake Year: 2025
Pre-MBA Career: Software engineer at Big Tech
Post-MBA Target Industry: Consulting, Technology
GRE: 330
GPA: 3.4
Years of Work Experience: 5
Location: London

South Korean female software engineer at 2 of FAANG.
Studied & Worked in multiple locations in US and London.

Post MBA goals:
(short-term): moving onto more product & strategy roles in tech companies or consulting specialized in tech ventures.

(long-term): using technologies and product insights to innovate the family business back home or build up my own company.

* participated in-company recruiting (interview every week),
* mentoring (2 interns, 1 college student, 1 teammate)
* worked on a side project website that one time drew ~30k signups that is now shut down.