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February 15, 2020 1:18pm ET
Applying: Dartmouth / Tuck, Harvard Business School, MIT Sloan, UPenn / Wharton
Intake Year: 2021
Pre-MBA Career: Healthcare Consulting
Post-MBA Target Industry: Consulting Companies: BCG , McKinsey
GRE: 323
GPA: 3.8
Years of Work Experience: 3.5
Location: Toronto

Hi Alex and Graham! LOVE your podcast and guides. Left a comment on the podcast back in August! A bit about myself. Along with several family members, I have a disability which has given me extensive exposure to the healthcare system. This has fuelled my passion for serving in healthcare professionally. My career began with a management internship in Kenya where I published a case that is now used globally in MBA case-based courses. This internship was a catalyst for my 2 years in management consulting for the Canadian healthcare sector with a large consulting firm. While consulting, I was sponsored by the hospital where I'm treated to pursue a year long leadership certificate program at Yale that gives patients the opportunity to learn about leading quality improvement initiatives in healthcare settings. After that program, I left consulting to work internally for that hospital. There, I lead digital health and innovation initiatives to enhance patient experience and also lead the organization's LGBTQ chapter. Outside of work, I'm involved in leading a community action initiative for young adults with my disability and am president of an alumni chapter of a prestigious scholarship organization that funded my studies at Harvard (explained below). Academically, I skipped my final year of high school to study at Canada's only women's college. My degree's accounting and liberal arts. I held several leadership positions in school and spent my final year pursuing an interdisciplinary fellowship at Harvard. I hope to pursue a dual MPP/MBA concurrently with Harvard Kennedy School. I listed these MBA programs because they have concurrent degree options with HKS (of course, healthcare management at Wharton would be my first choice). However, if I'm not successful in round 1, I'll apply to a broader scope in round 2 or the following year. Let me know your thoughts! Thanks again.