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July 20, 2024 1:17pm ET
Applying: Dartmouth / Tuck, Harvard Business School, Northwestern / Kellogg, U. Chicago Booth, UVA / Darden, Yale SOM
Intake Year: 2025
Pre-MBA Career: Private Wealth Associate
Post-MBA Target Industry: Other
GMAT: 700
GPA: 3.31
Years of Work Experience: 2.5

I am currently in the Private Wealth space and want to make the switch to Corporate Development. My GPA was weighted down from a rough first two years of honors pre-med courses and personal issues (I plan to address these when applying). Ended up switching to Economics and finished my last two years with a 4.0. First gen Hispanic college student.

Extracurriculars/Professional Development:
-Various leadership/mentorship roles within my current role
-Volunteer with a couple local charities
-Exec board of my college's local alumni group

Looking for advice on how to become a stronger candidate.