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February 3, 2025 9:18pm ET
Applying: Duke / Fuqua, MIT Sloan, U. Chicago Booth, Yale SOM
Intake Year: 2028
Pre-MBA Career: Internships w/F500 Utility and Bain (Dallas)
Post-MBA Target Industry: Other
GMAT: 730
GPA: 3.9
Location: United States

Hi Graham and Alex! Love your show and have seen all the episodes (: Can you wiretap me??

BYU Undergraduate (applying to deffered MBA)
B.S. Statistics, Minor in Urdu 3.9 GPA
USMC Officer (Commissioning as 2L @Graduation)

Work Exp:
* Junior Year: Bain&Co ACI (Dallas)
* Sophomore Year: F500 Energy Company

* Wind Energy Association -- competed in national wind turbine comp (on campus club)
* Pro-bono consulting work (Energy/Utility projects)
* Department of State Critical Language Scholar (Urdu)
worried about my gpa... deferred cohorts seem so competitive??