Background: 30M, white European from a small non-EU country. Can speak 3 languages, lived abroad for 7 years across 2 countries.
Grades: BSc (3.8 GPA) from home country, MSc (3.9 GPA) from a top EU university. Both are in Electrical Engineering
GMAT: 675 FE (might retake, depending on work commitments).
Work Experience: 5+ years in the semiconductor/electronics industry—started as an Engineer, now a Product Manager focusing on product strategy at a large US-based company. Currently working in the EU.
Extracurriculars: Skiing, running, skill development (nothing standout).
Target Schools: M7 (reach), but more realistically T10-T20—Fuqua, Stern, McCombs, Tepper, Ross (Fuqua & McCombs are my top choices).
Post-MBA Goals: Transition into a Product Manager role at a top tech company (Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, NVIDIA, AMD). Consulting as a backup.
Long-Term Goal: Live and work in the US for 10+ years, using the MBA to build a strong local network for that transition.
Questions: Would Stern's Tech MBA or Kellogg's MBAi be appropriate for my kind of profile? + I would prefer to get $$$ to $$$$, given my stats is that too much to ask? Should I re-take the GMAT?
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