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December 28, 2019 2:28pm ET
Applying: Georgetown / McDonough, Northwestern / Kellogg, NYU Stern, U. Washington / Foster, UCLA Anderson, USC / Marshall, UT Austin / McCombs
Intake Year: 2020
Pre-MBA Career: Finance/Accounting
Post-MBA Target Industry: Technology Companies: Amazon , Google , Microsoft
GMAT: 710
GPA: 3.11
Years of Work Experience: 6
Location: USA

WOULD LOVE A PODCAST FEATURE! Canadian currently living in the Bay area. Experience so far is in tech, few years at deloitte and a couple of years at a major tech company. Short term goal is to pivot functions into marketing. Long term goal is to be a c suite exec for a high growth tech company focused on Healthcare or education (think headspace, khan academy). 3 questions :
1) do I need to cast a wider net with my school selection? or retake gmat?
2) How do I go about being convincing that marketing is what I want to do if I don't have any experience so far? My story currently is that accounting doesn't directly add value to the end product or consumer, and that's what I am trying to go towards, a function that adds tangible value.