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April 17, 2022 6:58am ET
Applying: Harvard Business School, MIT Sloan, SMU Cox, UT Austin / McCombs
Intake Year: 2023
Pre-MBA Career: Enlisted Military - Aircraft Maintenance
Post-MBA Target Industry: MF, Auto, Aerospace Companies: Other
GMAT: 730
GPA: 3.15
Years of Work Experience: 8
Location: Germany
Post MBA Location: Texas

Should I retake GMAT? My last 3 official practice tests were 770-780 all with 50/51Q, but that was 3 years ago, would have to relearn. I took twice, and one didn't do well on Verbal, the other not so well on Quant (49Q/41V, then 46Q/45V)

Big fan of the podcast. First generation college grad. I can explain that my GPA has a clear downward trend because I was working 1 or 2 jobs at all times to pay for my schooling, and significant on campus involvement. These include club leadership positions, started a now-leading fraternity on campus. Joined the military, many achievements and awards, promoted first time every time. No big leadership positions but I lead small teams in fixing aircraft in high pressure situations. Many interesting stories to tell. Want to get an MBA and work for a startup in the emerging field of all electric airplanes to reduce carbon footprint.