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July 11, 2024 2:04pm ET
Applying: Columbia, Harvard Business School, Northwestern / Kellogg, Stanford GSB, U. Chicago Booth, UPenn / Wharton
Intake Year: 2025
Pre-MBA Career: Private Credit
Post-MBA Target Industry: Investment Banking, Venture Capital, Private Equity, Asset Management, inc. HF, Commercial Banking
GMAT: 720
GPA: 3.73
Years of Work Experience: 5

Demographics/Stats : 27 year old male, US citizen, will have 5 years work experience by R1 application this year, 3.73 GPA from well known public university in the Midwest in Economics with a concentration in business, and 720 GMAT (Q47/V42/IR6/AW6) (took 3 times this was my highest score)

Work Experience: Worked as a FSO consultant at Big 4 Firm for 1.5 years, promoted once. Left Big 4 to work at a Tier 2 Private Credit Fund, promoted from Analyst to Associate to AVP (currently an AVP). My role at the credit fund is centered around overseeing the closing of debt securitizations (average size of 300M - 500M) usually run with those pretty autonomously, (have led multiple investor calls/meetings and have created decks to present to investors) Also solely manage multiple $200M+ debt portfolios. (Have 1-2 people that I directly manage and 10+ I manage at affiliated downstreams). I also create a presentation that I present internally to 60+ people every month. Closed our largest public offering ever this past month at $661MM.

ECs: didn’t really participate in ECs in college because I was helping take care of a sick family member throughout my college career (had to go home every Friday and stayed till Sunday each week). Post college have been volunteering at organizations like Feed my Starving Children, Habitat for Humanity, etc. total hours around 100-120. Working on getting some more stuff on my resume that would put me in a leadership role outside of work. Am a regular member at a Muay Thai gym if that matters lol. I am now currently on the board of a non-profit (very surprised and lucky that this materialized so quickly). The non profit is aimed at fundraising for different initiatives for communities in need, currently now mostly health based causes but we are looking to expand. Currently, I am responsible for evaluating prospective causes, maximizing donor growth, and evaluating potential technology additions to the platform (for prospecting, CRM tools, etc.). Have identified a partnership with a teacher's college to sponsor programs for a school for children with special needs.

Will get good letters of rec from my direct bosses (both managing directors at my current company)

Post MBA goals: want to work as an asset originator at a private credit fund

Main question I have is, am I qualified enough for M7 schools? Or is that not a realistic?