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June 10, 2024 9:08am ET
Applying: MIT Sloan, NYU Stern, Stanford GSB
Intake Year: 2025
Pre-MBA Career: Tech Product Leader in the Sustainability Space
Post-MBA Target Industry: Technology, Entrepreneurship Companies: Amazon , Google , Tesla
GMAT: 750
GPA: 6.5
Years of Work Experience: 4.5
Location: New Delhi, India
Post MBA Location: USA

* 3x Entrepreneur, $750k raised, first round when I was 19.
* 4.5y W/E, accolades in the workplace and publications in leading journals
* Ran a food donation drive for 75,000 people during the 1st Covid Pandemic, and have since helped 2 NGOs raise VC Capital as Pro-Bono engagements
* Ongoing Masters degree in AI with a climate specialisation from an IIT