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July 25, 2024 6:49pm ET
Applying: Dartmouth / Tuck, Harvard Business School, Indiana / Kelley, Stanford GSB, U. Chicago Booth, Yale SOM
Intake Year: 2025
Pre-MBA Career: Financial Services
Post-MBA Target Industry: Consulting, Family Business, Entrepreneurship Companies: Bain , BCG
GMAT: 645
GPA: 3.6
Years of Work Experience: 5
Location: Midwest
Post MBA Location: Midwest

Work Experience:
I am in risk management at a well-known bank and had two promotions in three years. Additionally, I have been a people manager for the last 1.5 years. I’ve also won our most prestigious award (less than 1% of employees receive it each year).
My career moves prior to my current company were short but interesting (reporting and time at a later stage start-up).
I have worked for my family business part-time for 5 years and tend to be the catch all person when things go wrong or for tasks that can be conducted remotely. This experience has served as a primer for my long-term goals.
I’d have six years experience upon matriculation and have started to wonder if I’m getting to be too old based on more young 2+2 candidates being in the classes.

I got a 645 on the GMAT - 80Q, 85V, 81DI. I have done better on some practice tests but have often found myself doing worse on tests than broader coursework, especially for math-related courses. I'm having a very hard time motivating to re-take it but know this is my weakest link.
I also took the GRE without studying just to check it out. I got a 322 - 163V, 159Q.

I have a 3.6 (HYP) in the humanities. I also have a Master's from a university that is top 2 for the field with a 3.9 GPA.
I was president of three different clubs in undergrad.

Outside of Work
I volunteer significantly with my undergrad and our local alumni club. One of my favorite parts of that commitment is mentoring current students and speaking on career-related panels.
I volunteer for a local non-profit and have held various roles (managing our budget, mentoring new members).

Long-Term Goals
I will be taking over my family business in manufacturing. While I could do this without an MBA, I would like to bring the most value possible and grow my network.

Short-Term Goals
Consulting at MBB to gain more breadth of knowledge/prepare for my long-term goal.