Published: November 7, 2016
Clear Admit Debuts New MBA Careers Section to Aid Prospective MBA Applicants
In our 15 years of engaging with MBA applicants here at Clear Admit, we've noticed a gaping hole when it comes to how well applicants fully understand their career goals and post-MBA options. Many applicants tell us they want to work in consulting, banking, technology...but when pressed, it becomes clear that few of them truly know and understand what post-MBA jobs in those fields really look like—or how vastly experiences can differ from employer to employer even within the same industry.
With this in mind, we are pleased to announce the launch of a new section on the Clear Admit website devoted to MBA careers. In designing it, we have set out to help non-traditional applicants get up to speed on common MBA career paths, industries and employers; help all applicants understand the exact nature of their career goals and therefore better communicate them in the application process, and position those applicants who already know exactly what they want to begin plotting their course toward a pre-MBA internship at their chosen firm.
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