Harvard Business School MBA News
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Published: January 4, 2023
Real Numbers of MBA Admissions: Cost of MBA Programs in the U.S.
In this edition of Real Numbers of MBA Admissions, see the total cost of a full-time MBA per year at U.S. schools. Tuition comprises most of the cost of each program. Other factors, including room and board, program fees, books and supplies, health insurance, transportation and other expenses, have been added to provide the total cost of an MBA in the U.S. by year. Most business schools provide a breakdown of the expenses, which are posted under the financial aid or admissions section of their websites. Schools also typically take the total cost of attendance into account
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Published: January 1, 2023
The Week Ahead: MBA Deadlines, January 2-6, 2023
Welcome back to the series, The Week Ahead, in which we provide a brief rundown of what is happening in MBA admissions this week! Round 2 is underway. It’s the New Year, which means it’s time for the Round 2 crunch! Tuesday, January 3, Washington / Foster has their Round 2 application deadline. Wednesday, January 4, Harvard, UPenn / Wharton, Dartmouth / Tuck and UCLA / Anderson have their Round 2 application deadlines. Oxford / Saïd has their Stage 3 application deadline. Thursday, January 5, Stanford GSB, Chicago / Booth, Yale SOM, Berkeley / Haas, Duke / Fuqua, UVA /
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Published: November 15, 2022
Harvard Business School Employment Report: MBA Class of 2022 Excels
The Harvard Business School employment report shows a successful MBA Class of 2022 that secured a high median base salary of $175,000. Of the 732 students who matriculated for the class, 71 percent were seeking employment post-MBA. Of those, 95 percent secured offers and 90 percent accepted offers. Twenty-nine percent of the MBA Class of 2022 did not seek employment. Thirteen percent started their own business and 12 percent were company sponsored or already employed. Industry Choice Positions in the financial services industry, including investment banking, investment management, venture capital and
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Published: October 30, 2022
Round 2 MBA Application Deadlines 2022-2023
To help you stay organized, we’ve compiled all of the Round 2 MBA application deadlines (and some Round 3 ones) all in one place. You’ll find links to our corresponding Essay Topic Analysis in the “Essay Analysis” column. School Deadline Decision Essay Analysis Application Live? INSEAD (R2 August Intake) 11/15/2022 1/20/2023 Yes Yes Indian School of Business 11/27/2022 2/2023 Yes Yes Dartmouth / Tuck 1/4/2023 3/16/2023 Yes Yes Harvard Business School 1/4/2023 3/29/2023
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Published: October 2, 2022
HBS Announces Timing of Round 1 Interview Invitations & Early Release
Applicants to Harvard Business School can expect some big news from the school on Thursday, October 6th at noon EST. In a post to the Direct from the Director’s blog, Managing Director of HBS admissions Chad Losee wrote that Round 1 applicants can expect the following: “All Round 1 applicants will receive an update via their Application Status page on next steps in our process. There are three possibilities: Invite to Interview – this is very good news! If you are invited to interview, you will receive additional information regarding the
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Published: September 29, 2022
Admissions Exodus: Stanford & HBS Admissions Directors Latest to Leave Posts
In between the Round 1 and 2 deadlines, two major admissions directors in the MBA space have announced this week that they’re moving on: Kirsten Moss of Stanford GSB and Chad Losee of Harvard Business School. Kirsten Moss of Stanford GSB Moss, whose professional history spans leadership coaching, consulting, admissions and more, has held the role of Assistant Dean of MBA Admissions & Financial Aid at Stanford GSB for the last five years. She shared in the email announcement to the Stanford community, “Over the last few years, the classes that have joined Stanford have had record
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Published: September 21, 2022
Real Humans of the Harvard Business School MBA Class of 2024
Find out what it’s like to be a member of the Harvard Business School MBA student community in this edition of our Real Humans: MBA Students series. The Harvard MBA Class of 2024 is comprised of 1,010 students, a class size larger than usual due to deferrals related to Covid. Women make up 46 percent of the class and 38 percent are international. HBS shares the racial and ethnic identities of its domestic students in two ways. Federal reporting guidelines allow each individual student to be represented in a single race or ethnic group, whereas
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Published: September 15, 2022
Bloomberg Businessweek Business School Rankings 2022-2023 Key Takeaways
Bloomberg Businessweek’s 2022-2023 Best B-Schools ranks the top business schools globally by region, charting assessments of programs in the U.S., Europe, Asia-Pacific region, and Canada through a rigorous analysis of data and survey responses. This year, the ranking covers 117 business schools. To qualify, programs had to be taught primarily in English. Bloomberg Businessweek surveyed 6,422 students, 11,304 alumni, and 778 employers, and also weighed compensation and employment data to determine schools’ scores. The top five of the U.S. business schools ranking sees the same schools as last year’s, with some slight shuffling. The Stanford Graduate
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Published: September 14, 2022
Harvard MBA Class of 2024 Profile: Diversity Reigns & Deferrals Conclude
See the Harvard MBA Class of 2025 profile here. Harvard Business School shared their MBA Class of 2024 profile today and, while HBS couldn’t dodge the industry-wide dip in application volume, the program maintained diverse representation, academic strengths and an enlarged class size. The percentages of women, international students and U.S. minorities nearly mirror last year’s class. The new HBS MBA candidates also maintained the median GMAT score of 730 and had earned an average undergraduate GPA of 3.70. HBS received 8,264 applications for the Class of 2024 and 1,015 ultimately enrolled. The
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Published: September 8, 2022
MBA Admissions Interviews 2022-2023: On-Campus, Off-Campus or Virtual?
Due to Covid-19, business schools conducted MBA admissions interviews virtually the past few seasons. Now, some business schools are opening back up to welcome MBA applicants to campus for visits and interviews. See if your target programs offer the options of on-campus, off-campus, and/or virtual interviews for the 2022-2023 admissions season in the chart below. School On-Campus Off-Campus Virtual Columbia Business School ✔ ✔ Cornell University SC Johnson Graduate School of Management ✔ Limited ✔ Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business ✔ Duke University Fuqua School of Business ✔ ✔ ✔ Harvard Business School
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Published: August 25, 2022
Harvard Business School Announces Full-Tuition Scholarships
Harvard Business School (HBS) seeks to remove cost as a barrier to higher education with the announcement that they will provide scholarships to cover the total cost of tuition and course fees for those with the greatest financial need. This will apply to approximately 10 percent of the HBS MBA student body. While students will be responsible for their own living expenses, the funding from the school works out to $76,000 per year for the two-year program. More scholarship support will also be made available to middle income students. “We know that talent is much more evenly distributed than
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Published: August 23, 2022
Real Numbers of MBA Admissions: Percentage of U.S. Minorities at Top U.S. Business Schools
The percentage of U.S. minorities at top U.S. business schools can provide a sense of the diversity you will find in your MBA program. U.S. minorities is defined as enrolled students at business school who are US citizens or permanent residents who self identify as African American, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American, Asian Pacific, or Asian Indian. See the percentage of minorities as reported by top business schools in the chart below. U.S. School % U.S. Minorities Carnegie Mellon University Tepper School of Business 44% Columbia Business School 40% Cornell University SC Johnson Graduate School of Management 43%** Dartmouth
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Real Numbers of MBA Admissions: Percentage of Female MBA Students
Over the past decade, the percentage of female MBA students has been on the rise across leading business schools. USC Marshall was the first leading business school to achieve gender parity while others have achieved or continue to strive for that benchmark. The Forté Foundation has also consistently reported that women are either gaining or holding their ground on b-school campuses. Look at the chart below to see the percentage of female MBA students at leading business schools around the globe. Business School % Women Arizona State University
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Early & Round 1 MBA Deadlines 2022-2023
To help you stay organized, we’ve compiled a chart of the earliest deadlines, including Early Action and Round 1, of the top business schools in one place. For schools that have announced their essay topic(s), you’ll find links to our corresponding Essay Topic Analysis in the “Essay(s) Released” column. We will continue to update this table as more Round 1 MBA deadlines and essay topics are announced. Deadlines are for Round 1 (unless otherwise noted). Last updated: August 16, 2022 School Deadline Decision Essay(s) Released? Application Live? Oxford / Saïd 8/31/2022 10/26/2022
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Admissions Director Q&A: Chad Losee of Harvard Business School
Chad Losee is back for this Admissions Director Q&A to tell you all about Harvard Business School (HBS) admissions, the entrepreneurial might of the MBA program, what to expect in your interview and more. Losee joined the HBS MBA Admissions and Financial Aid team as Managing Director in 2016. After graduating from HBS as a Baker Scholar in 2013, he worked for a year as a fellow in the Dean’s Office, helping to launch HBS Online among other projects. In 2014, Losee returned to Bain & Company’s Dallas office, where he had worked as
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Real Numbers of MBA Admissions: Class Size of Top U.S. MBA Programs
Business schools come in all shapes and sizes and the class size of top MBA programs can be a factor in considering fit. From networking to a tight-knit culture to campus opportunities, class size can reveal much about an MBA program. No matter which program you choose, the top MBA programs strive to ensure relationship building during full-time b-school life. Some larger programs, such as Harvard Business School and CBS, mainly break the student body down into cohorts/sections/clusters of dozens of students. Other U.S. business schools, like Wharton, also have Learning Teams, groups of 5-6 students who
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Real Numbers of MBA Admissions: Average GRE Scores by Top U.S. Business Schools
Average GRE scores by business school can provide applicants with a sense of the rigor of the MBA program, expectations of the adcom and general competitiveness of the applicant pool. While the GMAT used to be the only accepted admissions exam at leading MBA programs, many have opened up to other options, including the GRE. The GRE consists of a 60-minute Analytical Writing section, which includes two essays that applicants have 30 minutes each to complete. An additional Verbal Reasoning section also features two 30-minute sections of 20 questions each. Another two sections are devoted to Quantitative
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Key Takeaways from The Economist 2022 Best Full-time MBA Ranking
Harvard Business School tops The Economist’s 2022 full-time MBA ranking, as more business schools elected to participate again. As many may recall, most of the top U.S. MBA programs abstained from last year’s Economist ranking due to the pandemic. This resulted in a top-10 that was half European MBA programs and half American MBA programs. Last year, IESE and HEC landed in the #1 and #2 spots, respectively. Meanwhile, the highest ranking U.S. programs taking part last year were Michigan Ross (#3), NYU Stern (#4), U. Washington Foster (#8), CMU Tepper (#9), U. Minnesota Carlson
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Real Numbers of MBA Admissions: Average GMAT Scores at Top U.S. MBA Programs
If you completed the new GMAT Focus edition, now simply referred to as the GMAT, with a score ending in a 5, please refer to Coming to Grips with the New GMAT Scores. The analysis below refers to the traditional GMAT test. See where your GMAT score lands among the top U.S. MBA programs, as we report the average GMAT scores in the chart below. If you have yet to take the GMAT, you can also get a sense of what score you need to target. Business school admissions use the GMAT score as a sign of applicants’ academic
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What Are M7 Business Schools?
In U.S. graduate management education, the M7 business schools are considered to be the seven best in the space. They offer elite MBA programs and are known for their highly selective admissions processes—it’s no wonder the “M” stands for “magnificent.” Which Business Schools Comprise the M7? The schools that make up the M7 include: Columbia Business School (CBS) Harvard Business School (HBS) MIT Sloan School of Management (MIT Sloan) Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management (Northwestern Kellogg) Stanford University Graduate School of Business (Stanford GSB)
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MBA Math, HBS CORe and Other Pre-MBA Courses to Boost Your Profile
While you will never have a time machine to retake undergraduate courses and improve your GPA, there is something you can do to “repair” your transcript for MBA admissions. Transcript repair – aka “supplemental coursework” or “pre-MBA coursework” is the act of pursuing non-degree coursework to demonstrate your academic aptitude to the admissions committee, usually in the quantitative domain. Specialized courses in this domain are offered by MBA Math and Harvard Business School (HBS CORe), but many candidates may pursue individual courses at their local university. Supplemental coursework can help offset a lower undergraduate GPA, lift a disappointing GMAT/GRE, or
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Published: April 28, 2022
Fridays from the Frontline: Tuckies’ Reflections from the 2022 HBS Africa Business Conference
The MBA community transcends school borders, as many programs host conferences or events that welcome students from different schools. In this edition of Fridays from the Frontline, two Dartmouth Tuck MBA students (aka Tuckies) recount their experience attending Harvard Business School’s Africa Business Conference. Reflections from the 2022 HBS Africa Business Conference By Takunda Ndoro T’22 Takunda Ndoro T’22 and Seare Kidane T’23 discuss their experiences at the HBS Africa Business Conference and key takeaways from its theme “Reimagining the Road Ahead.” Takunda Ndoro T’22 One of the best
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Published: April 18, 2022
Real Humans of Microsoft: Casey Murphy, HBS MBA ’21, Business Planner
Casey Murphy, HBS MBA ’21, made his way through several pre-conceived notions–what others thought about business school, what others thought about his chances to get in, and even what he initially thought about a particular program–to find the yellow brick road to his dream role. At Harvard Business School, he not only learned the business skills to become a business planner for Microsoft’s Azure division, but also refined his vision and sense of values when it comes to work. Find out more about his journey and what business school can offer below in this
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Published: March 28, 2022
U.S. News 2023 Full-Time MBA Ranking: Wharton & Chicago Booth Share Top Spot
The 2023 U.S. News Best Graduate Programs Rankings rolled out today and we’re taking a closer look at the full-time MBA program list. Chicago Booth and The Wharton School share the top spot, surpassing last year’s #1, Stanford GSB, which now ranks third along with Northwestern Kellogg. On Wharton and Booth landing in the top slot, Clear Admit Co-founder Graham Richmond notes, “This is likely due to these programs’ impressive statistics on both sides of the equation: incoming stats (GPA, GMAT, acceptance rate) and outgoing
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Published: March 24, 2022
Fridays from the Frontline: Living the HBS RISE Fellow Mission by Amari Griffin
When Harvard Business School announced their inaugural recipients of the Recognizing Individuals Seeking Equity (RISE) Fellowship, we wanted to hear more about these accomplished individuals. Amari Griffin, MBA/MS Engineering Sciences ’23, offers more about her HBS experience and commitment to communities of color in this edition of Fridays from the Frontline. Living the HBS RISE Fellow Mission By: Amari Griffin, Harvard MBA/MS ‘23 I have always felt I made the biggest impact in my community through community service, where I always strive to improve the lives of others. For the past seven years, I
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