Northwestern / Kellogg MBA News
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Published: February 5, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus
We both showed up early, so although he’d only allotted 45 minutes, the interview lasted about an hour before he had to catch his train. He didn’t have a list of questions and didn’t take any notes. He asked me questions based off of my previous answers and didn’t appear to have any checklist that he was trying to get through. We walked through my resume, my reasons for wanting an MBA at this point, and what I think makes a school the right fit for me. He asked some questions about the Economist, which I was reading when he
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Published: February 5, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum Interview / Off Campus
Met with the alumni at a local coffee shop .The tone of interview was quite professional,the interview got wrapped in less than 30 mins. Tell me about yourself (was asked to give a short summary) Why MBA Why Kellogg ( Weaved my goals into it) Follow up on Career goals Why did i leave my first job (changed industries) Tell me about a difficult experience Example of working in a team (couple of follow ups) What do you do outside of work Any questions Suggestions: Prepare well for Why Kellogg question and have good examples on behavioural questions. Good Luck!
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Published: February 4, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Student / On-campus
My interviewer was very friendly and had a similiar background as me so it was an easy conversation that lasted exactly 1 hour. I got only a few major questions because I think we went over the time allotted time for my intro “career progression” answer since I had to explain a couple of different jobs and he stopped me to ask a lot of questions. Very straightforward: Not necessarily in order: Career progression Why MBA Why Kellogg Why did you choose your undergraduate school, how was your experience there, what were the most interesting activities/experiences in college Describe a
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Published: February 2, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-campus
My interviewer was really friendly but when I went back and made notes about the interview, I realized she asked me LOTS of questions – lots more than I think others have had for Kellogg, so hopefully this is helpful for everyone. Specifically (not necessarily in order): Walk through your resume / background What would your peers say are three things you bring to the team? What is your leadership style? What do you like to for fun? What is some feedback you’ve received from your superiors? This is your opportunity to sell us on you as a candidate. Are
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Published: February 1, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Off-campus
Relatively easy interview. Very much a conversation, and all questions were found on this wiki. Specifically: Walk through your resume Questions about specific points on your resume Why MBA now? Why Kellogg? Post-MBA goals? How would your co-workers describe you, positive and negative? Example of leadership Example of working in a team What extra-curriculars? Questions for interviewer We shared similar post-MBA goals in consulting, so was able to talk about that afterwards. Entire interview lasted about 65 mins. Key take-aways: school visit prior to interview is very important. I was able to talk about specific classes and the campus, which
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Published: January 29, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round / AdCom / On Campus
The tone of my interview was conversational and the majority of questions the interviewer asked me I had seen before on this wiki. There were two, however, that I had not seen and that took me by surprise: What is a misconception people have about you? Kellogg involves a lot of quant work. Can you tell me where on your resume you’ve had experience with quant? (In retrospect, this was a predictable question as I come from a liberal arts background and it’s an obvious weak point in my application. Luckily, my answer was the same as my “Tell us
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Published: January 23, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-campus
Came to the interview early to prep and get comfortable. Got a chance to sit in on a class and some other activities day-of. Interviewer was very nice and direct. Here are the questions I can recall: Walk me through your professional career starting with undergrad (Standard) Handful of follow-up resume questions (Standard) Define your current role and responsibilities (Standard) Describe an example of professional leadership experience (Standard) Why an MBA, why now, why Kellogg (Standard) What three adjectives would your co-workers use to describe you (Unexpected) What is a common mis-conception that people have with you (Unexpected) Do you
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Published: January 21, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / Off-campus
The interview lasted over an hour and thirty minutes. He met me at a local coffee shop and arrived early (as did I). Took a few minutes setting up (had his computer open and was typing for most of it). Questions are listed below (in the order that I can remember them). Tell me a little about yourself Why undergrad? Why first job? Why second job and career switch (moved from finance to the development sector) Specific questions about current job (I was part of the founding team of a social enterprise- pretty unique model so spent several minutes discussing
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Published: January 18, 2012
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 Full-time / Adcom / On-campus
After reading the questions posted here for this year and prior years, I believe all the questions that I was asked are documented. However, I was slightly caught off guard by this one: If you didn’t get X job (from my short-term goals), where would you like to work instead? Interview lasted 45 minutes and was extremely disarming and comfortable. All the best!
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Published: October 26, 2011
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On Campus
Interviewer was an admissions official and very friendly. Handed my resume and a sheet which i had just filled out upon arrival which asked to write ST/LT goals (space given to answer each is limited so i think they just expect the highlights) Questions i got: Tell me about yourself Describe professional accomplishments, why important What is leadership style Why MBA / why now – weaved it with goals/why Kellogg What would teammates say are 3 strengths What would teammates say is 1 weakness Difficult situation with team What I do outside of work Why did I choose my undergrad
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Published: October 25, 2011
Kellogg EMBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / On Campus
The EMBA interview is required just like the FT program. Given the unique requirements of the EMBA programs (8+ years of managerial experience and required company sponsorship) the interview is more to gauge your fit. AdCom introduction: The AdCom meets to discuss your packet. I am your representative at the AdCom meeting to put your face and interview before the committee. The interview should complete the “picture” of you that we do not gleen from your essays and your resume. Questions: What do you currently do? Describe your current position? Talk me through your resume in any order What is
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Published: October 25, 2011
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom and First-year Student / On Campus
My interview was conducted by two people: a Kellogg admissions officer and a first year student who was training to be a part of recruiting. The interview was pretty conversational and the interviewers were very friendly. Here is an overview of the of the questions I was asked: Background: Associate at a healthcare strategy consulting firm Duration of interview: 30-35 minutes Note: this is not the actual flow of the interview. I have just listed the questions as I remembered them. Your background is very interesting – how come you did not think about medicine. Tell me about yourself and
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Published: March 31, 2011
Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Adcom / On Campus
I interviewed with a member of the admissions committee, and although I was only allotted 30 minutes, it ended up to be almost an hour and a half. I know everyone is looking for the type of questions, which is really important in preparation, but the most important factors are really knowing your resume, motivations, why Kellogg, what about Kellogg, and being yourself. The interview started with the basic questions: walk me through your resume what are your short term and long term goals. Before my interview, I really spent a lot of time studying Kellogg and knowing the programs
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Published: March 20, 2011
Clear Admit Career Services Director Q&A: Kellogg School of Management’s Roxanne Hori
Roxanne Hori, associate dean for career management at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, is the most recent participant in our continuing Career Services Director Q&A Series.
Hori has been in her current role for the past 16 years, so she certainly has some perspective to share. Earlier in her career she worked in recruiting for a range of corporations, including a Chicago bank. She first came to Kellogg as a career coach, a position she held for about five years before returning to banking. But ultimately she came back to Kellogg to direct the Career Management Center, where she’s stayed ever since.
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