The release today of the annual GMAC employer survey report from the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) means the time has come once again to read the tea leaves as far as what the year ahead promises for MBA grads and the job search. And the tea leaves look auspicious.
Globally, 86 percent of companies plan to hire recent MBA graduates this year—up from the 79 percent that hired them in 2016, according to the 2017 GMAC Corporate Recruiters Survey Report. In the United States and Asia-Pacific, demand is even stronger, with nine out of every 10 companies planning MBA hires in 2017.
Source: GMAC 2017 Corporate Recruiters Survey Report
Perhaps even more noteworthy, though, than these healthy anticipated hiring projections was the revelation that the majority (55 percent) of U.S. companies either plan to hire (28 percent) or are open to hiring (27 percent) international candidates, despite uncertainty around changes in H1-B visa protocol that could make such hires more difficult. That’s up from 49 percent that had such plans last year.
“This was by far the most surprising thing that emerged from the study,” says Gregg Schoenfeld, GMAC research director. “With all the talk in the U.S. about limiting international hiring, what we actually see is that companies are saying they still plan to hire MBAs and other business grads who require visas—they are not really shying away from this.” Shoenfeld speculates that this could be because not much has actually happened in the political realm to alter visa policy—it’s really been limited to rhetoric. “Companies are saying, ‘We need this group of people to fill our roles so we are going to take a wait-and-see approach about any potential changes and proceed with our hiring plans in the meantime.’”
U.S. Tech Firms Double Down on International Hires
In fact, the U.S. technology industry seems positively bullish on international hires—a full half of tech firms surveyed indicated plans to hire international candidates in 2017, almost double the 27 percent that said they planned to hire them last year. This marked jump could be related to the ability of international students in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) to apply for a 24-month extension of the Optional Practical Training (OPT) employment authorization that follows their student F-1 visa, Schoenfeld suggests. “But it could also mean that in this time of political rhetoric firms are looking to see whether they have the technical skills they need domestically—or whether they really need to hire internationally to fill the roles they need to fill.”
A new survey question introduced this year also yielded interesting data on startups. In response to inquiries in prior years, GMAC added a question inviting responding employers to self-identify their type of company—be it Fortune 100 or 500, Fortune Global 100 or 500, startup, or family-owned. “We found some striking results,” says Schoenfeld. “The largest increase across the board in terms of hiring was reported by startups.”
Source: GMAC 2017 Corporate Recruiters Survey Report
In fact, hiring projections among Fortune firms, publicly traded firms, and larger firms were relatively flat year over year. But where startups were concerned, three out of four reported plans to hire MBAs and other business graduates this year—up from 52 percent last year. “That may say that these startups are moving beyond that start-up phase and looking to grow their businesses with the help of MBAs and other business graduates,” says Schoenfeld. More startups also plan to hire graduates of specialized master’s programs in 2017, including graduates of Master in Management (37 percent), Master of Accounting (23 percent), and Master of Finance (25 percent) programs.
Family businesses, too, saw an uptick in hiring projections, from 71 to 79 percent. As did small firms, with fewer than 100 employees. Of these firms, 66 percent plan to hire MBAs in 2017, up from 44 percent in 2016. Optimistic hiring projections were also found across a wide variety of industries, including consulting, energy, and finance. Nonprofits reported significantly greater appetite for MBAs, with 84 percent indicating plans to hire them this year, up from 67 percent last year. The significant increases among startups, family-owned businesses, and smaller businesses year over year suggest that the perceived value MBAs and other business graduates bring is spreading beyond traditional hirers like Fortune 500 and publicly traded companies.
“That coincides with what we find in our alumni studies as well,” Schoenfeld says. “Business school grads do go into a variety of types of companies. Business school isn’t a narrowly defined career path—there are various different paths graduates can and do follow.”
Of course, business grads do tend to be the main staple of large company hiring—and less the main staple for smaller companies, Schoenfeld notes. But the striking uptick in business graduate hiring among these smaller companies suggests an evolution may be taking place.
Larger, Multinational Firms More Likely to Be Open to International MBA Hires
By virtue of asking companies to self-identify by type this year, GMAC also gleaned greater insight into variation among different types of U.S. companies in terms of their willingness to hire international MBAs who require additional legal documentation. Larger companies are more likely to hire or be willing to hire international candidates (34 percent) in 2017, compared with 13 percent of small companies. Among startups, only seven percent indicated plans to hire international candidates, although 57 percent said they are willing to but do not have plans to do so this year.
Despite more companies reporting openness to international hires this year than last, a full 45 percent of U.S. firms have no plans to hire international candidates, which represents a greater share of employers than in other regions. Legal documentation and added expense associated with these hires were the most common reasons employers cited for not hiring foreign-born workers.
This helps explain why larger, multinational firms are more open to international hires than startups, Schoenfeld notes. “Larger, multinational firms have the ability to place international candidates in various locations around the world,” he says, which gives these companies greater maneuverability in the event that visas aren’t granted. “They also have the staff and resources to fill out those H1-B visa requests and go through that whole administrative process that the government requires,” he says. “In the startup community—where they don’t have those additional resource to go after the H1-B visas—we find they are looking more for domestic talent.”
Salaries—Largely Flat in U.S., Europe—Show Greater Gains in Latin America and Asia-Pacific
Salaries will remain flat at 2016 rates for the majority of European and U.S. companies (57 percent and 51 percent respectively), but 74 percent of Latin American companies and 59 percent of Asia-Pacific companies plan to increase MBA salaries at or above the rate of inflation. That means that globally, more than half of survey respondents (52 percent) report that MBA base salaries will increase at (34 percent) or above (18 percent) the rate of inflation in 2017.
Source: GMAC 2017 Corporate Recruiter Survey Report
In the United States, the projected median base starting salary for recent MBA grads in 2017 is $110,000, a $5,000 increase over 2016.
But the survey revealed that employers offer a number of benefits beyond salary—and that these benefits often vary from industry to industry. For example, 84 percent of respondents in the technology industry offer employees the ability to work from home. Healthcare/pharmaceutical and technology firms are the most likely to offer stock options, 51 and 55 percent respectively. Manufacturers, meanwhile, lead the pack in terms of offering education benefits, with 71 percent providing tuition reimbursement, scholarships, or professional or leadership development programs. Perhaps not surprisingly, nonprofit/government employers are the least likely to offer signing or other bonuses. But overall, 65 percent of U.S. companies plan to offer a signing bonus to recent MBA and business master’s graduates, with $15,500 being the median bonus offered. The vast majority of U.S. companies—92 percent—offer retirement savings plans—outpacing all other global regions.
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