Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Published: January 2, 2023
Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-Campus
Overall the alum wasn’t responsive in the email. It took them two days to respond to my initial email to set up a meeting arrangement. So once that was finally set, I didn’t hear from him. He showed up a little late to the meeting, and he did apologize; however, the good thing is that he was chill. It was a casual conversation, and he asked the basics “Why MBA, Why Booth, Short-Term/Long-Term goals, and How do you plan to use Booth for your future goals.” But to be clear, it was very casual. He didn’t grill me or try
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Published: January 2, 2023
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Published: January 2, 2023
UVA Darden MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus
The interview was the most pleasant experience I had during my application journey. It was highly conversational, and they did not want to look through a copy of my resume. You will be in the driver’s seat to take the conversation where you want other than a few guiding questions. I had a great experience visiting campus, and everyone I engaged with was friendly and welcoming. I think it meant a lot to them that I interviewed in person. If you have the opportunity to do so, it can go a long way. Tell me your story and highlight the
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Published: December 27, 2022
MIT Sloan MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom
Interview felt like a rapid-fire round of questions, and there weren’t any questions tailored to my application. Most questions were along expected lines based on the interview reports I have read, but there was a question on working with incomplete data, which I had not come across in any previous interview reports, so would definitely make sure to prepare a story for that. 1. Any updates to your application? 2. Tell me about your data visualization. 3. What does a typical day at work look like for you? 4. If you’re at dinner with your cousins, how
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Published: December 27, 2022
Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Zoom
Interview atmosphere was relaxed, and definitely very conversational! Nothing radically surprising that popped up during the interview. See below for questions: 1. Walk me through your resume. 2. How do you prioritize your time? (Follow up: how will you prioritise your time between academics, networking and social life at Booth?) 3. What are you most proud of? 4. Tell me about a time when you fell short. 5. Tell me about a time you motivated a team. 6. You could pursue IB without an MBA. So why MBA? 7. Why MBA? 8. Why Booth?
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Published: December 27, 2022
NYU Stern MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom
Interview was very conversational and was conducted by a member of the admissions committee. Based on the interview reports I had read, I was expecting to be challenged on my short-term goals and recruiting strategy, but that part of the interview felt tougher than expected. So my number 1 tip would be to make sure you can defend your short-term goal and make a case for how Stern will help you get there, especially if you intend on recruiting for traditional industries like IB or consulting. 1. Question from Pick 6 2. Summary of your career post graduation?
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Published: December 15, 2022
Interview Report Round-Up: Chicago Booth, Michigan Ross, MIT Sloan, UNC Kenan-Flagler
Welcome to another edition of Interview Report Roundup in which we highlight the MBA admissions interview reports that applicants have shared recently to the Clear Admit Interview Archive. Over Zoom, a Round 1 applicant to UNC Kenan-Flagler reported the following questions from their adcom interviewer: A candidate for MIT Sloan shared their interview experience, which kicked off with a common lead question from Sloan: An applicant to Chicago Booth, who interviewed with a second-year student, faced some
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Published: December 14, 2022
Northwestern Kellogg Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alum / Zoom
The only option was virtual. The interviewer didn’t ask “walk me through your resume.” Instead, they read my resume aloud and exclaimed they were impressed with my work experience at large/recognizable firms. They specifically said they admired my many majors in undergrad. o Why did you switch jobs? (Big 4 -> F500) o Why MBA/Why Kellogg/Post-MBA Goals. o What more for Why Kellogg? (This tripped me up a little because my initial response was very comprehensive/detailed.) o You should do MMM. Why didn’t you apply for MMM? (My interviewer thought I was a better fit for the
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Published: December 14, 2022
UCLA Anderson Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
Option to interview on-campus or virtually. o Walk me through your resume. o Tell me more about your involvement with [volunteer organization]. o Why MBA/Short-Term & Long-Term Goals (I answered Why Anderson along with this). o What is your backup plan? – Context was if my post-MBA career goal doesn’t work out. o How would you contribute to the Anderson community? o What research have you done to learn about these clubs and the Anderson community? o What qualities would your current or previous supervisor say about you? – Asked for details about my
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Published: December 11, 2022
MIT Sloan Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom
My interview was conducted through Zoom, but my interviewer signed in about 5 minutes late. She asked me: -Any updates since you submitted your application? -Tell me about something you accomplished within the past year. -Tell me about a failure you experienced and how you are growing from it. -Why MBA and why Sloan? Answering these questions lasted about 20 minutes and then the adcom member passed it to me to ask questions. I asked two, and was going to ask a third, but the adcom wrapped up the interview before I had a chance, even though
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Published: December 11, 2022
Chicago Booth Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Virtual
Interviewer started by introducing herself and giving a long-winded explanation of her why MBA / why now / why Booth. 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Proudest accomplishment? 3. Failure? 4. Strengths and weaknesses? 5. 3 words you’d use to describe your leadership style. 6. 3 words your colleagues would use to describe your leadership style (accidentally contradicted myself by mentioning one of my weaknesses here, but quickly corrected it by framing it as a sign of improvement). 7. Why MBA now? 8. Why Booth? 9. What are you most excited
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Published: December 11, 2022
Michigan Ross Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Virtual
Friendly format, interviewer had read my resume so he started off with questions: 1. Highlight two traits from your resume or personality that you want me to know. 2. Why did you switch to X company? 3. When did you face an ambiguous situation? 4. When have you dealt with a difficult teammate? (lots of follow up questions to this one) 5. Tell me about when you mentored someone. 6. A time when your leadership created a difference and how. 7. Failure? 8. Why MBA, since you’re already working in the industry
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Published: December 11, 2022
UNC Kenan-Flagler Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Zoom
I was interviewed by an AdCom via Zoom. It was resume-based as according to her she was yet to see my complete application aside from the resume. The atmosphere was relaxing and she told me to stay calm and not be nervous. Questions asked were: Why UNC? Why MBA? How have you demonstrated diversity? Tell me a leadership experience you’ve had. What do you look for in a team? Have you spoken with any student or alumni? Do you have any questions for me? The interview lasted for about 40 mins and
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Published: December 11, 2022
MIT Sloan Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Virtual
1. Any update on your candidacy? 2. Walk me through your data visual and why it’s important for you. 3. Tell me about a time you had different ideas with somebody. 4. Tell me about a time you had a challenging task / project. 5. Tell me about a time you had to help someone in your team. 6. Why Now? 7. Why Sloan? 8. Any questions?
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Published: December 8, 2022
MBA Interview Report Round-Up: Chicago Booth, Cornell Johnson, MIT Sloan
Welcome to a new series, Interview Report Roundup, in which we highlight the MBA admissions interview reports that applicants have shared recently to the Clear Admit Interview Archive. We start with a look at a couple of Chicago Booth interview reports. A Round 1 applicant chose to visit campus for their interview with a second-year student. In addition to standard work history questions, the candidate faced the following behavioral questions: In addition to reporting good news, the candidate shared some insights into Booth admissions: Congrats on your acceptance! Another Chicago
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Published: December 7, 2022
Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year / On-Campus
Option to do virtual, off-campus, or on-campus interview: Chose on-campus and did a tour that included lunch with more current students. When I was called in, the interviewer already had a copy of my resume that had markups/notes (you are told to bring a copy regardless). o Walk me through your resume. o How did you start and get interested in [volunteer organization]? o How did you start and get interested in research? What kind of research did you do? o Why did you change jobs? How was the culture different between the two jobs? o
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Published: December 4, 2022
Cornell Johnson Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Virtual
My interview was conducted online, and the interviewer was a Cornell Adcom. She was interested in getting to know about my short-term and long-term goals. Along with why I wanted to pursue an MBA at Cornell. I thought she was a very pleasant person to speak to and I felt very comfortable speaking to her. The interview was based mostly around my resume along with a few behavioural questions. Based off the interview, I would say that the people at Cornell are really friendly and interested in getting to know you. I will be matriculating there this fall.
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Published: December 4, 2022
Chicago Booth MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumna / Zoom
I interviewed with an alumna and she was super nice. Conversation flowed smoothly and naturally. Questions asked: Intro. Why MBA? Long/short term career goals – multiple follow-ups on what kind of places/firms I would want to go to. An example where you worked w/ diverse people at workplace? What can you bring to Booth? Anything you want me to highlight? Questions?
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Published: December 4, 2022
MIT Sloan MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Virtual
Interview was easy going and the adcom was nice. Felt like a conversation but with targeted questions. Questions asked include: Any updates to your application? Walk through your data visualization. Tell me about a time when you had to gain support from people you did not manage. Tell me about a time when you inherited a broken process. Tell me about a time you disagreed with someone. Why MBA? Why Sloan? Questions for me?
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Published: December 4, 2022
Vanderbilt Owen MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Skype
It was brief, fairly informal and conversational It was a resume-based / blind interview Questions – 1) Walk me through your resume. 2) Long-term / short-term goals. 3) Why an MBA? 4) Why Vanderbilt? 5) What’s the one thing thing that people assume about you in the first glance, but is actually a misconception? 6) What’s your greatest achievement? 7) Explain a time you worked with diverse audiences.
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Published: December 4, 2022
Dartmouth Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
I applied to Tuck before December 1 for a guaranteed interview. The interviewer was a 2Y MBA student. The interviewer was extremely friendly and had a genuine passion for Tuck. Interview questions: – Tell me about yourself. – Walk me through your resume. – Why MBA/Why Tuck/Why now? – Describe a time you received constructive feedback. – Describe a time you led a team. – How will you contribute to your study group? Overall I felt very positive about my interview experience and Tuck! The interviewer made me feel comfortable and we had a
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Published: November 30, 2022
Dartmouth Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
Interview was 30 minutes of initial intro and questions about me. Last 10-15 were for me to ask questions of her. Overall tone was very friendly and conversational. Interview was resume based, not application based. There were definitely some questions that she needed to ask, but the interview flowed naturally with follow-up questions that drew out any answers that weren’t clear. Introduce yourself. Why MBA? What do you want to do with your degree? Why Tuck? How would your coworkers or people who work with you describe you? Give me an example of something you have done that would cause
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Published: November 29, 2022
Dartmouth Tuck Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom
It was an interview by a second-year student virtually via Zoom. It was profile-based questions followed by situation-based questions and lasted for 45 minutes. The interviewer lived up to Tuck’s reputation and was super nice and made me feel extremely relaxed and comfortable. No surprises in terms of questions, they were all per usual. Questions: Q1 – Tell me about yourself. Q2 – Walk me through your CV. Q3 – Why MBA and Why Now? Q4 – Why Tuck? Q5 – Tell me about a time you had to work out of your comfort zone
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Published: November 28, 2022
Stanford GSB Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Virtual
The interview was formal, but still casual. We had a minute or two of small talk before the interviewer jumped right into it, giving me background on himself, allowing me to ask him questions about his professional experiences. Then from there we jumped into my background and, through conversation, he asked me some probing questions. He was less worried about what I did and more interested in the introspective aspects. Questions Asked: > Walk me through your resume. > Why did you choose investment banking out of school? > What hard skills in investment banking did you
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Published: November 27, 2022
Stanford GSB MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Zoom
It was a stressful interview, no introductions or friendly banter. Interviewer outlined the format of the interview (40 min behavioral Qs, 10 min for 1-2 questions) then started right away. Each question probed deeper into my decision making and he even asked about the thought processes of peers and subordinates under me. It was stressful and he did seem to acknowledge that at the end. “Sorry for peppering you there” was his comment. Seemed like he was very interested to get to the core of my thinking. Only time for 2 stories. Overall, it was my most challenging interview, much
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