Stanford GSB MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alum / Virtual
Alum was a very senior exec. Relaxed, conversational interview, lasted just over an hour. About 30 minutes of behavioral questions followed by 30 minutes of more open chatting. No “tell me about yourself,” “why MBA,” or “why Stanford” questions, just three TMATs that we dug into a bit more detail on. Had a great time. The three TMAT questions were: 1. TMAT you accomplished something you were really proud of. 2. TMAT you went above and beyond. 3. TMAT you helped someone else develop their skill set. These were actually the only “planned” questions for me. All of the others
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Published: February 27, 2025
Stanford GSB MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
Interview lasted around 1 hour and 25 mins (schedule for 1 hour). Took place in the Alum’s office in London. I didn’t get the walk me through your resume/ tell me about yourself question. We just chit chatted about where in Italy I’m from since the alum is also Italian. Before he dove into questions, he told me what to expect: he told me he’d interrupt me because he knows what he’s looking for so if I were going in the wrong direction or if he already got what he wanted he’d move to the next question. Here are the
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Published: December 1, 2024
Stanford GSB MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Adcom / Off-Campus
After the interview experience, I have begun to truly believe that Stanford is one school that truly values authenticity. The interview was an hour-long free-flowing conversation that started with “What’s your proudest achievement?” Most questions after that were just about going deeper into that experience. I also realized that given an option I would always opt for an in-person meeting rather than a virtual one, I was lucky that an Adcom member was in town when I was invited for the interview. He called me to a conference room in a local co-working space. Irrespective of my selection I feel
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