Our archive of over 2,000 MBA admissions interview questions includes self-reported accounts from applicants. Please use the dropdown menu to view filter reports by school.
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Berkeley / Haas MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / On Campus / Alum
Mine was a blind interview with an alum. Seeing that he was young, I became a little less nervous. The interview started with him asking me “Where are you from?” and “Please walk me through your resume”. He asked me why I wanted an MBA and why did I choose Haas. After that, he asked about my short and long term goals, and how an MBA would help me achieve those goals. He asked me if I had any trouble working in a team, and to describe a bad experience working in teams. Asked me about my leadership skills and
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USC / Marshall MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype
I had scheduled the Skype interview and when the day came, I prepared myself to face 40 minutes worth of questions. The interviewer was patient enough to cope with my not-so-reliable internet connection, making the video quality pretty bad at times. Nevertheless, we were able to carry out the interview without any interruptions. The interviewer told me that he had read my application beforehand and my resume as well, but he asked me to walk him through my resume all the same. He then asked why did I chose Marshall as the place to continue my studies and
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Wharton MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year student/ On-campus
The team-based discussion included six interviewees and two admissions fellows. The fellows took notes during the entire session. First, they read the prompt and said they would only interject with timing updates – they also let us decide who would pitch first. We went around the table (not necessarily in order) and each gave an idea. I was lucky to have a great group, which led to a really good discussion. After the team-based discussion, we were called back into the room for the one-on-one. The admissions fellow said that it was a blind interview – they are not given
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Berkeley / Haas MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alum / On-Campus
The interview lasted about 30 minutes. The questions they asked me were: Walk me through your resume. Asked some specific questions about my experiences and seemed to be testing my technical and market knowledge. Why MBA? What are your short and long term goals? Why Haas? Tell me about a time when you displayed good teamwork. Tell me your leadership style. Was there any other question I wished he had asked me. Very comfortable interview overall!
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UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alum / Off-Campus
A summary of questions asked: Top 3 accomplishments Teamwork Walk me through your resume Community involvement and extra curriculars A lot of grilling on why MBA, why UNC and short term and long term goals Plan B if the school rejects you Small town/ big city orientation International exposure A lot of personal questions regarding family. Which other schools have you applied to and why? He also gave me inputs about his stay at UNC and what were the key takeaways for him… Tt was fairly conversational and he put me at ease. All in all, a very
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Cambridge / Judge MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / Phone
I was eager apply to Judge primarily because of three factors: 1. The program: With three consulting projects and one year less to spare the program structure appeared to be solid and value for time/money 2. The people: The class size is ~150 with nearly 50 nationalities making it a truly diverse and international program. Not to forget selective too! 3. Cambridge: You can’t discount the Cambridge factor. Its arguably the best university in the world and has a network and history that very few can match. I interviewed over the phone by a faculty from the School.
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Duke / Fuqua MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Off-Campus Hub
I applied to FT MBA in second round. My interview was scheduled on 19th February with Adcom who flew to my country. I saw her only take note on blank paper. It was 40+15 minutes. We started with 1-2 minutes chat and then took off. Questons are: – My background. She seemed to be interested in why I chose studying in Engineering, why I chose this school, detail of my internship (which was stated in resume), and why I chose to work with current employer. – Why MBA? – Why Duke? – Explain my role in
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Tepper MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Skype
I applied to second round and was invited on 15th of January. Originally I was invited to interview in hub cities with Adcom but I could not arrange the trip due to visa issue. So I ended up schedule interview with another Adcom via Skype. My interview was on 12th of February. It was very conversational and he seemed to be very professional in keeping the interview interesting and moving it forward. He did not take note at all. Overall, he looked for how much I had researched about Tepper and why I want Tepper. Here were the questions.
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Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
My interview was on 26th January 2013. I applied to FT MBA in second round and was invited on 10th Jan. I had to submit my resume in scheduling system and that was all the alumnus had except the interview form to fill in. We met in a local coffee shop, and the interview was 30+15 minutes. Overall was very conversational, even though my interviewer was not that chit-chat. Here were the questions I was asked: – Started with introducing herself with how thing would be proceeded. – Run me through your resume. She asked a question about
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USC / Marshall MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
My interview was a personal one with a student. The interview was very general. A few questions were asked about my goals and why Marshall etc. (What are your short- term and long-term post MBA goals? How will USC Marshall help you achieve these goals) but after that we started discussing my personal life (“A challenging international experience?”,”A personal or professional setback”, “An entrepreneur you admire”) and then more random stuff, like cloud computing and Spanish language. So according to me, when you’ve got an interview, it means that you’re already a good contender and they just want to get to
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UT Austin / McCombs MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Second-year student / Skype
I had read some of these reports prior to my Skype interview, so the questions were pretty similar. This was my last interview, and I found that it was also the most structured/formal wise. It was pretty clear that they have a list of questions that they requires the students to ask, and at times it felt more like a job interview than a conversation. Some of the questions are, it was a blind interview, she only had my resume to go off of. There was a focus on leadership type questions, to the point where I felt that I
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Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round2/ AdCom/ Off-campus
Conversational. Lasted for 40 mins. Very polite interviewer. He told me that he had only seen my resume, not the rest of the application, so he might be asking questions that I might have already answered in my essays and other parts of the application. 1. You have varied experience [read as job switches], can you please take me through them? (basically a resume walk) 2. What’s your long term goal, why MBA and what do you want to do after your MBA? 3. Leadership example! 4. What is that you don’t like about your job,
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Oxford / Saïd MBA Admissions Interview Questions:Round 2 / Careers Director / On Campus
I participated in an interview day at Oxford SBS, along with about 30 other applicants who had travelled from literally all four corners of the earth to be there – USA, Australia, Canada, Nigeria, the Middle East etc. Upon arrival, we were all given a welcome packet which contained a guide to the interview process and a short bio of our individual interviewers, before being shown to a conference room, where we chatted amongst ourselves and mingled with a faculty member and adcom staff while everyone got their individual interviews out of the way. We then had a group tour
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Published: February 28, 2013
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Adcom / Skype
The interview lasted approximately 45 minutes and it started with the AdCom saying that she had my resume and that she hadn’t reviewed my application but she had notes from others who did review it. The questions she asked me were: “Walk me through your resume” “Your GPA seems low. Are there any extenuating circumstances or explanations for that?” “Why are you interested in getting your MBA?” “Why now?” “What are your goals? “Tell me a couple of adjectives to describe yourself.” The AdCom was very professional but still pleasant. The interview was very formal and she did take notes
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Published: February 28, 2013
Berkeley / Haas MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
Interview scheduled with an alum in a coffee shop He explained the what a blind interview was, and told me the duration was 45min. He then asked me: “Tell me about a time when you were given constructive feedback. How did you respond?” “Have you ever experienced conflict with someone on your team? How did you resolve it?” “Tell me about your experiencing managing people. Have you managed direct reports?” “What kind of leader are you?” “Tell me about challenges you’ve faced you have faced at your workplace and how you resolved them?” “Which book are you currently
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Published: February 28, 2013
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2/ Admissions Officer / Off-campus
When I arrived I was asked to submit my resume and told that my interviewer would go through my resume mins before the start of the interview. The interview was blind. The only information my interviewer had was my resume. The interview started and they asked me to walk them through my resume, because they told me there were bits that needed clarification. Then they asked, “Why do you want to get an MBA?” “Why an MBA from Kenan Flagler?” “What qualities do you hope to develop during your MBA?” “What do you plan to do after your MBA?”
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Published: February 27, 2013
USC / Marshall MBA Admissions Interview Questions:Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
They first asked me to introduce yourself and tell them 3 key learnings from my work experience. Then, the classic “Why MBA?” followed by “Why do you want to do MBA at this stage in your life?” They were intersted in my short- and long-term career goals? and asked me”Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” Afterwards, they told me to tell them about a challenging situation that I’d faced and how did I resolve it? They moved on to “What are your greatest strengths? Give examples” and “What are your weaknesses? Give examples” Finally,
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Published: February 27, 2013
Berkeley / Haas MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On Campus
I had the first round of the interview on campus, and to be honest it lasted less than I had expected (30 minutes). I was a bit nervous at first, but when I finished I was calm and I felt the interview was very promising. They asked all kind of questions: Why Haas? What excited me most about the program? My long-term plans Discussion on the state and future of the sector What my most embarrassing moment in my professional career had been Walk them through my resume my leadership experience My goals What do I know about Strategy Consulting?
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Published: February 27, 2013
NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/Adcom/On-campus
These are the questions they asked me. 1. Tell me about yourself? 2. What do you feel is the weakest aspect of your resume? 3. Which achievement are you most proud of? 4. Is Stern your first choice? If you are admitted to other schools, what criteria your decision will be based on? 5. What’s the main difference between your current position and your goals? Why do you think you are ready for an MBA at this moment of your career? 6. What programs have made you interested in Stern? And what clubs will you
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Published: February 27, 2013
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1/Alumnus/On-campus
There were no questions on Why MBA, Why Now or What have I done to date at my work place. The questions were on my achievements outside of my work area, my other extracurricular activities, my interests, my personal background and other similar stuff. He also asked me about other schools in my list and we also talked about the current economic scenario. We talked about some of his experiences at the school and while finding jobs and internships. Finally, it came to questions from my side. I asked him 2 questions and got the answers.
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Published: February 27, 2013
NYU / Stern MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On campus
I interviewed with a “senior associate admissions director.” The conversation is very friendly. She took very few notes (which at the time to me could be good or bad). She definitely knows my application from inside out. When we sat down she smiled and said “so you play the guitar?” (She was referring to part of my essay 3). “When/how did you start and what kind of songs do you play?” Then the interview moved to real business: Tell me about how you ended up at your current role (job)? What’s your post-MBA career goal? How is your
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Published: February 27, 2013
Harvard MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / Skype
The interview started with the question “which was the last book you read?” as the first of many personal questions they asked me. They asked then “Why did you decide to apply to this business school? “, “What makes you stand out among other candidates?”, “How do you plan to use your degree?”, “Where do you see yourself in ten years?”, “Can you give me an example of a time that you demonstrated leadership?”. Then the very feared “Can you walk me through your resume?”, and concluding with “With all of your experience, why do you need an MBA?”.
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Published: February 26, 2013
Georgetown / McDonough MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus
It was a relaxed interview, it was alum vs alum, application based. I was asked a lot about myself: hobbies, what books I liked to read, if I liked to study alone or preferred to study in groups, if I had any leadership skills, why I chose that School and not another, the way I was going to support myself economically speaking. What I thought were my weaknesses, and how I could improve them. I was kind of surprised that they didn’t ask many questions of regarding the MBA itself, but I left the interview feeling confident. I
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Published: February 26, 2013
UNC / Kenan-Flagler MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On Campus
I visited Kenan-Flagler during my visit I interviewed on campus with one of the Associate Admissions Directors. After arriving and settling into the interview with pleasantries and introductions, my interviewer pulled up a copy of my resume and then asked me to walk them through my resume. Afterwards, they moved onto some other questions ranging from – Why an MBA? – Why Now? – What about KF appeals to you? – What is the hardest lesson you have learned? – What specifically have you learned in these leadership positions? – Specific question about my
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Published: February 26, 2013
Ross MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Second-year student / On-campus
There were I think 5 questions she said she had to ask and then the rest was just conversation back and forth about my questions, etc. The “required”/behavioral questions (not asked in the same order below) were: – Describe a team situation — either tell me about a difficult team OR a time you led an exceptional team – How will you contribute to Ross outside of class – Tell me 3 things on your bucket list – What are you most proud of personally or professionally – Why MBA/why now/why Ross – Walk
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