Published: December 1, 2013
Little Change Year Over Year in Poets&Quants’ MBA Rankings
Poets&Quants today released its 2013 composite ranking of the best full-time MBA programs in the United States, revealing that very little has changed since last year. In fact, the top eight programs this year are exactly the same, in the same order, as they were last year. The only change among the top 10 schools was that ninth and tenth place last year (Berkeley's Haas School of Business and Duke University's Fuqua School) flip-flopped this year.
P&Q arrives at its rankings by weighing five other leading MBA rankings: Bloomberg BusinessWeek, the Economist, the Financial Times, Forbes, and U.S. News & World Report. The composite ranking, P&Q asserts, helps reduce flaws in the other rankings caused by faulty survey technique, biased methodology or other issues. “The composite index tones down the noise in each of these five surveys to get more directly at the real signal that is being sent,” reads the P&Q report.
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