Trivia Tuesday
Read snippets from our popular line of MBA School Guides in this weekly post.
Published: January 12, 2015
Trivia Tuesday: Language Requirements at INSEAD
Hello again and welcome to this week’s Trivia Tuesday, in which we spotlight program elements that help distinguish the leading business schools from each other. Today we’re taking a look into the Clear Admit School Guide to INSEAD to share an excerpt about the language requirements at INSEAD’s MBA program. A distinctive aspect of INSEAD’s MBA program is that language skills are an official requirement for both admission and graduation. Beyond the requirement that students possess proficiency in two languages upon enrollment (see Chapter 6, “Application Requirements”), one of which must be English, students must also demonstrate basic knowledge of a
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Published: November 3, 2014
Trivia Tuesday: Teaching Methods at Wharton
It’s time again for Trivia Tuesday, where we highlight programs and opportunities that distinguish leading business schools from their peer institutions! This week, we give you a peek inside our school guide to The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and discuss teaching methods at Wharton. “As at most of the leading programs, Wharton professors use a mixture of lectures, case studies, group projects, problem sets, discussions, computer simulations and presentations to convey MBA course material. The primary methods of instruction in each course are included in the course description, allowing students to choose elective courses that best match their preferred method of learning. Wharton offers
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Published: October 27, 2014
Trivia Tuesday: Experiential Learning at Tuck
Welcome back to Trivia Tuesday, where we explore the special programs and opportunities that differentiate the leading business schools. Today we’re featuring an except from the Clear Admit School Guide to Dartmouth Tuck School of Business about the school’s experiential learning opportunities.
“All Tuck students have an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in business through the required First-Year Project, through which teams of students complete a consulting project for a business or nonprofit organization. Some students choose to pursue this type of learning in more depth, taking advantage of Tuck’s second-year experiential learning programs.
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Published: September 8, 2014
Trivia Tuesday: INSEAD’s Wharton Exchange Program
Welcome to this week’s Trivia Tuesday, in which we examine special offerings that differentiate the leading MBA programs from their peers. Today we’re taking a look into the Clear Admit School Guide to INSEAD in order to share with you an excerpt about the school’s exchange opportunity with the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business.
“Through an alliance with the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, one of the leading MBA programs in the U.S., INSEAD students can also spend one period in the city of Philadelphia taking elective courses at Wharton."
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Trivia Tuesday: Public Management and Social Innovation at Stanford GSB
This week in Trivia Tuesday, in which we highlight the distinguishing aspects of top business schools, we’re opening up our Stanford School Guide for a closer look at their Public Management and Social Innovation Program.
"The Public Management Program (PMP) was founded in 1960s by then-dean Arjay Miller to promote communication and collaboration between leaders of government and business. His experience as president of Ford Motor Companies provided the impetus for this initiative; in this role, he witnessed firsthand the misunderstandings between politicians and those in the private sector. The PMP became part of the Center for Social Innovation in 2000, and today the Center has the broader mission of preparing students to address social and environmental problems.
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Trivia Tuesday: Master Classes at Columbia Business School
This week in Trivia Tuesday, where we highlight the distinguishing aspects of top business schools, we’re opening up the Clear Admit School Guide to Columbia Business School to learn more about Columbia's Master Classes.
“In the fall of 2006, Columbia introduced Master Classes, a new type of elective course. Each Master Class is organized around a theme, such as Operations Consulting or Private Equity & Entrepreneurship in Africa, and incorporates a semester-long experiential project. The projects are designed in conjunction with partner companies or organizations and conclude with students making a managerial recommendation to the partner organization. The Master Class program utilizes alumni and practicing professionals as teachers and mentors to ensure that students are exposed to both theory and practice within the MBA curriculum….
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Trivia Tuesday: Tuck’s Pre-Term
Welcome to another edition of Trivia Tuesday, where we highlight special programs and policies at top business schools. This week, we're opening up the Clear Admit School Guide to the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth to learn about the school's pre-term:
"Tuck offers two weeks of diverse pre-term programming, both academic and non-academic, before the start of orientation. Incoming Tuck students, particularly those from non-business backgrounds, may be invited to enroll in a one-week Pre-Enrollment program, affectionately known as “math camp,” that provides classroom instruction in finance, accounting, statistics, decision science and other quantitative topics.
"As part of the online MBA Math course, students must complete at least the eight lessons designated as mandatory among the 24 lessons offered. These include topics such as Basic Descriptive Statistics, Income Statement, and Excel Basics, and incoming students are typically given access to their accounts in the January prior to their matriculation. Developed by Professor Peter Regan, the math course includes pre- and post-quizzes on each topic so that students can best determine the kind of progress they need to make before their fall classes begin.
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Trivia Tuesday: The Yale SOM Grading System
It’s time again for Trivia Tuesday, in which we examine the distinctive elements that separate the leading MBA programs from their peers. This week, we’re taking a peek into the Clear Admit School Guide to the Yale School of Management in order to share with you an excerpt about the program’s grading policies and grade non-disclosure.
“Rather than using numerical or letter grades as a measure of a student’s performance in a course, Yale SOM’s grading system is more closely akin to a pass/fail model. Professors can assign students one of the following four grades: Distinction, Proficient, Pass or Fail. The highest, Distinction, is reserved for unusually high-quality work and is awarded to no more than 10 percent of students taking the course. Meanwhile, Proficient denotes a normal level of achievement in coursework and comfort with the subject matter. Though a grade of Pass is a positive signal at most schools, Yale’s reflects performance that did not meet the level of proficiency, yet was not so lacking that it warranted a failing grade. Finally, the grade Fail reflects a level of
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Published: April 21, 2014
Trivia Tuesday: McCombs’s Venture Fellows Program
Welcome back to Trivia Tuesday, where we profile special offerings that help distinguish the top business schools from each other. Today we're sharing an excerpt from the Clear Admit Guide to UT Austin / McCombs about the school's Venture Fellows program.
"Founded in 1999 by a first-year McCombs student seeking to make inroads into the extremely competitive venture capital industry, the Venture Fellows (VF) program extends the school’s venture capital curriculum by providing hands-on internship opportunities with top funds in the industry. The Venture Fellows exist as an organization independent of the McCombs MBA program, sourcing their own funds and working to foster communication between Texan venture capital professionals and interested students. Each year, competition among first-year applicants is intense for one of the program’s 15 to 20 seats, and students should begin the application process itself by September.
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Published: December 23, 2013
Trivia Tuesday: The Berkeley MBA Leadership Development Series at Haas
Welcome to our weekly edition of Trivia Tuesday, in which we take an in-depth look at the specific offerings that differentiate the leading MBA programs from their peers. This week we’re taking a peak into the Clear Admit School Guide to the University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business to share with you an excerpt about the Berkeley MBA Leadership Development Series.
"As part of its BILD program (Berkeley Innovative Leader Development), Haas has implemented a series of on-campus events that offer students the opportunity to fine-tune their leadership skills outside of the classroom. The Berkeley MBA Leadership Development Series is comprised of a number of non-credit workshops and seminars, all of which allow students to gain further insight into three key areas of awareness: Self, Team and Organization.
"Each of these areas of competency has its own focus and set of goals.
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Published: October 28, 2013
Trivia Tuesday: McCombs’s AIM Investment Center
The focus of this week’s column in the Trivia Tuesday series, in which we cover the unique program elements that differentiate the leading MBA programs from their peers, is the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. Today we’re sharing a passage from the Clear Admit School Guide to McCombs that describes the school’s AIM Investment Center.
"The AIM Investment Center, created by an endowment provided by AIM Management Group co-founders Gary Crum and Bob Graham, provides students with the resources to gain an experiential perspective on investment management. The center’s EDS Financial Trading and Technology Center, founded by former dean George Gau and sponso
red by technology services company Electronic Data Systems, includes an accurate recreation of a Wall Street trading room complete with real-time stock quotes and cutting-edge telecommunications systems – a resource which enables finance professors to incorporate the latest technology into their courses. The center also provides office space for the members of the MBA Investment Fund to manage their three multi-million-dollar investment portfolios.
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Published: September 9, 2013
Trivia Tuesday: MIT Sloan’s First-Year Class
In this week’s instalment of Trivia Tuesday, we turn our focus to the Clear Admit School Guide to MIT Sloan, examining how the school creates first-year teams and how these teams impact students’ experiences. “Each first-year class of approximately 400 MBA students is divided into six smaller cohorts, or “oceans” (Atlantic, Baltic, Caribbean, Indian, Mediterranean and Pacific), which help to give shape to the core curriculum experience. Oceans are comprised of approximately 65 students each, and the students in each ocean take all seven of their core courses together. As a result of this shared academic experience, students within each
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Published: September 2, 2013
Trivia Tuesday: Teaching Methods at Duke / Fuqua
Welcome to another edition of Trivia Tuesday, in which we examine individual program elements that differentiate the leading MBA programs from their peers. Today, we’re taking a look into the Clear Admit School Guide to Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business in order to share with you some insights about the program’s teaching methods. “Most classes at Fuqua meet twice a week, either on Mondays and Thursdays or on Tuesdays and Fridays. No classes are held on Wednesdays, a system designed to give students a mid-week break that can be used to schedule job interviews, attend campus events or catch
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Published: August 19, 2012
Trivia Tuesday: Chicago Booth’s Academic Calendar
Welcome once again to Trivia Tuesday, our regular exploration of the special programs and opportunities that differentiate the leading business schools. Today we're featuring an excerpt from the Clear Admit School Guide to the University of Chicago Booth School of Business about the school's academic calendar.
"While many schools arrange their academic years into two semesters, Chicago divides the year into four quarters that correspond with the seasons. This quarter system was invented by William Rainey Harper, the first president of the University of Chicago, as a means of exposing students to more material than the traditional semester system allows. The quarter-based calendar is used by all schools at the University of Chicago, as well as at several other leading business schools, including Stanford, Tuck and Kellogg.
"The standard academic year spans Autumn, Winter and Spring Quarters, and MBA students occasionally take courses in Summer Quarter as well. However, since most Chicago Booth students choose to take an internship between their first and second years, enrollment in summer courses is not the norm.
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