Frequently Asked Questions
Please find answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Clear Admit’s MBA DecisionWire below. If you have additional questions, please contact [email protected].
Who should complete MBA DecisionWire?
Anyone who has made a final decision regarding which MBA program they will attend is encouraged to share their information. This includes applicants this year, as well as current MBA students and alumni. The information entered in response to “Entering Year” will distinguish current applicants and their decisions from those of candidates from prior years.
In addition to inputting your own data, MBA DecisionWire is designed to allow users to search their favorite programs and see the decisions made by those who applied, were admitted to and/or enrolled in those programs. It is therefore also useful for applicants who are just starting to research which programs they should apply to, as well as for admitted applicants who are deciding which program to attend.
What if I am having trouble submitting my entry?
If you are unable to submit your complete entry, please e-mail [email protected] and include your data (schools applied, admitted, enrolled, Year of Entry and any other information).
What if one or more of the schools I applied to is not listed?
Please select “Other” to note if you applied to, were admitted to or enrolled in a school that is not listed. In the Notes section, please indicate the unlisted school(s).
What if I have submitted deposits for two schools but am still determining where I will ultimately enroll?
In this case, you are not ready to submit a response via MBA DecisionWire. The product is designed for those who have made final decisions in terms of which school they plan to attend, are attending or have attended.
What if I have changed my mind in terms of where I plan to enroll?
This does happen. During the summer, for example, some schools start admitting more candidates from their waitlists, resulting in some decision changes. If you find yourself in this situation, please add a new entry and contact [email protected] to notify us so that we can remove your existing entry.
MBA Applywire
I am a 29 yo black brazilian woman. I am civil engineer by the oldest civil engineer school of Brazil with full scholarship. I have been working with data since 2015 and now I am coordinator of a data team I the biggest Latin American Bank. Currently I am studying for toefl and improving my English. My main purposes joining a top tier mba are to improve my leadership skills and to learn with different people from different backgrounds (I am working in the same business since 2017).
I am originally from the UK (now a permanent resident) and went to community college (3.6 gpa), then transferred to a top 25 undergrad and severe health issues due to a disability causing me to get a 3.1 gpa. I then stayed there and did a master’s in finance with a 3.8 gpa. I am very passionate about giving back, especially about the homelessness epidemic. Before college I spent a year in Switzerland volunteering at homeless shelters. During college I led a campus ministry with a focus on helping the unhoused. After my experience with my disability, I started a nonprofit that has consulted with several shelters and foodbanks to help those with similar health issues as myself. I also personally raised capital to purchase and preserve an affordable multifamily property. My career has been in real estate since I graduated, but I have job hopped. My first job was 5 months, then I moved to be closer to family. My next job was for 7 months, but I quit as they were taking actions to make housing unaffordable for first time buyers. My next job was in acquisitions but I was laid off with about half the company due to the rising interest rates that affected the industry. I have been at an impact real estate private equity firm for almost 2 years in an acquisitions, development, and asset management role with a promotion. All my roles have been for REITs or PE firms. My post-mba goal is banking to better learn capital markets and long term to start an affordable real estate investment firm, perhaps in London. I would love to be a wire tap candidate, fingers crossed.
Applying for deferred programs at the mentioned schools. African woman studying Comp Sci and Math. GMAT Focus 98 %tile. Substantial community involvement and some experience at big tech working as a SWE. Thinking of consulting or product management post MBA.