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Berkeley / Haas Evening and Weekend MBA Interview / Round 1

I arrived 30 min early. The interviewer was 10 min late. We walked into her office ( smaller than I had thought ) and she stated that this was essentially a blind interview because she hadn’t seen my essays, reccos, GMAT scores, etc. She had a copy of my resume and asked my to walk her through my resume. It went pretty well as I explained all the transitions and why I made those choices.

Next, she asked about my career goals and why a b-school education would help. She also asked about what my boss would think of me and then what would my colleagues would think of me.

I asked her a few questions and then she told me that they would let applicants know the decision by March 14. I thought the interview flowed very well with a few anectodes, she shared her personal background and said she “got” my story.

I had a good feeling, but her comments after the interview have me a little worried. Although she hasn’t seen the rest of my application, she mentioned that Haas does have a high applicant pool of engineers and sometimes they waitlist Round1 applicants , so they can compare them with R2 applicants. Should I be waitlisted, I should feel free to call the admissions office and ask what else could be done to better my chances ( retake GMAT, etc ). She also mentioned that in the past, they called all applicants, but they’re trying to move away from that and let applicants check their status online.