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Berkeley Haas Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Google Meets

Image for Berkeley Haas Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Google Meets

My interview was mostly school-specific, with some behavioral questions. I think it was supposed to be resume-based, but he didn’t ask much about it. It was extremely conversational and there was good rapport. Lasted for an hour, but we were done with questions for me after 35.

The questions (may not be exact, but the gist should be there) included:
(Notably, did not ask me to walk him through my resume, which threw me off big time since I had to work it in a bit as I talked about why an MBA/why Haas?)
Why an MBA? Why Haas?
Elaborate on ST & LT goals.
What is a time you’ve helped foster diversity in either a professional or non-professional capacity?
What is a time you’ve seen diversity within your team at work as you worked toward a consensus? How were you humbled by it?
Give me an example of a time where your team had disagreements, then worked toward a consensus, and your role in this capacity.
Haas prides itself on its four pillars and how it believes in the importance of these concepts as you develop your leadership ability. Name the pillar that resonates the most with you and explain why.
Is there anything else you want me to put down that you’d like the admissions committee to know?
Are there any fun facts you’d like the university to know about you?

25 min for Q&A with alumnus

A few follow-up questions, including one where I mentioned my love for the classics when talking about “Student Always” with the four pillars, and he asked me what my favorite classic was.