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Berkeley / Haas MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

The alumnus was very flexible in finding a time that was convenient for both of us. We met at his office.
After brief introductions and small talk, we started into the interview. It was all-around pretty casual, with no big curve-ball questions. There were none of the typical behavioral questions. Most questions focused on my motivation in pursuing an MBA.

– Why do you want to get an MBA?
– Have you considered whether your goals would be more likely achieved in continuing to gain experience in the industry? (I work in a fairly specialized field to which I hope to return.)
– What attracts you to Berkeley specifically?
– What specific unique opportunities do you plan to take advantage of?
– How will you contribute as a member of the Haas community?

After his questions, I was given time to ask him any questions I had. While the interview was only scheduled for 30 minutes, it ended up lasting closer to 50. All in all, a very casual and comfortable experience.