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Berkeley Haas MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Pre-Recorded / Kira

Image for Berkeley Haas MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Pre-Recorded / Kira

The interview was fairly straightforward and structured. Typical questions.
Went good, but thinking back, it could have gone much better.
Primary challenge that I faced was, looking at the timer and myself on the screen instead of an interviewer did feel a bit weird so I felt that I could not articulate my responses properly, since my mind kept thinking about the time left.

The software was user friendly. No complaints there.

The structure is that it starts with a quick intro video and then you get to test your system and ensure that your camera and mic are working fine.
There is a random test question that you can repeat as many times as you want. The purpose is that you can check your audio, video and surroundings. The questions asked here are completely random like favorite fruit and apple or android.

The format of questions is – a recording of an AdCom member reading out the question plays, then the question is written on the screen and you have 45 seconds to prep. After that recording starts and you have up to 3 minutes to answer. You can choose to end the response earlier if you are done. The question is visible to you for the entire duration so you can glance at it when you are responding as well.

Then the first real question that was asked was “What do you hope to accomplish out of your business school experience and why is Haas the right place for this?” – Basically the standard Why MBA, Why Haas question, framed differently.

Second question – “Describe an experience in DE&I, whether in the workplace or at a community organization, that will enhance your contribution to the Haas community” – DEI is almost always asked at Haas interviews so make sure you are prepared to answer such questions.

Third question – “TMAT when you worked on a cross functional project where there was trouble getting alignment. How did you build consensus? What was the outcome” [paraphrased this one, the wording was a bit different]

Fourth question – “TMAT when you influenced an outcome through trust and collaboration. How did it make you feel? How did you react?” [I feel that I kinda screwed up this question, I was all over the place and completely forgot to mention how I reacted.]

Fifth question – “Is there anything else you would like to add that hasn’t been covered already?” [I chose to speak about why I resonate with Haas culture, but I am not sure if this was a good response and again I felt that I was not very coherent with what I said.]