I contacted the interviewer via e-mail and he got back to me very quickly. He was out of town for the next 3 weeks but checked with Haas to make sure that interviewing so late (April 18) would be ok. They said fine, and we scheduled.
I met him at his office. I think Haas tries to pair people up with similar professional backgrounds, as we both had experience working in the government sector. Interviewer was friendly but professional, but became more chatty as the interview went on. It was a total of 1 hour on the dot.
These were the questions he asked:
- Walk me through your resume. Tell me how/why you made decisions to leave/take jobs as you progressed in your career.
- Tell me about a time when you were given constructive feedback. How did you respond?
- Why Haas, in particular?
- What are you short/long term goals and how does an MBA from Berkeley fit with those?
He also told me that he didn’t ask me a lot of questions because I did a good job of illustrating what I did at work, challenges I faced in my roles, things I enjoyed and didn’t enjoy about each position I held. He also said that he was going to ask ‘why MBA’ since I am so accomplished already (couldn’t believe that one!) but didn’t’ because I explained it well when I talked about my long term goals. He left 20 minutes for me to ask questions (make sure you actually have more than a couple), and then we just talked about Haas environment, Bay Area, how amazing all the students are and basically, how excellent the program is. It was very clear that my interviewer loved his time at Haas. I thought it went really well – I left with a big smile on my face.