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Cambridge Judge MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Faculty / On-Campus


The following Cambridge Judge MBA admissions interview report was provided by a recent applicant: 

Cambridge always puts on a good show for the interview day and today was no different. The day started off with preliminary remarks from the Director of the school and the director of the MBA program, and then we split off into our individual interviews. Interviews are done by faculty, including even the director of the MBA program.

My interviewer had full access to my application form and was leafing through it as we were discussing. We covered questions like:
* Why an MBA?
* Why Judge in particular?
* Why did you study the undergraduate degree that you did?
* What’s the most challenging thing about your current work experience?
* Also included questions about my long term goal and potential macroeconomic/industry developments related to my long term goal, which I probably got because my goals and my interviewer’s academic area heavily coincided.
It was definitely inquisitive, though not interrogative at all. 

The rest of the day was pretty interesting. We had a group discussion with a careers counselor (3 of us) where we discussed what we wanted to do with the MBA and talked about what we could do starting now to jumpstart that process. We then had another careers presentation by an admissions officer. The rest of the day was more social – lunch, tour of Cambridge, afternoon tea. At lunch and tea, there were MBA students on hand to talk about the program and their experience.

I thoroughly enjoyed the entire process – it’s not at all impersonal.