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Cambridge / Judge MBA Interview Report: Round 3 / Faculty member / On-campus

Image for Cambridge / Judge MBA Interview Report: Round 3 / Faculty member / On-campus

The following Cambridge / Judge MBA interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 3 applicant who was admitted. Congratulations to them!

There’s not a lot of information online about Cambridge Judge interviews so I wanted to help out other applicants. Cambridge Judge offered 2 on-campus interview days, and I decided to travel to Cambridge personally to visit the campus and meet current students. Turns out, most of us had traveled from all over the world to come to Cambridge. Cambridge provided me (and 14 other interviewees) a free night’s accommodation at Westminster College for the night before, and hosted interviewees and our partners at a lovely dinner at Queens’ College. Before dinner, there was a drinks reception where ad-com members were in attendance. Conrad Chua (Head of Admissions and Careers) came up to many of us to introduce himself and remembered details of our background, which was a really nice touch!

The actual interview day went from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM but interviews were all in the morning and only lasted 30 mins. All interviews were with a faculty member, assigned randomly (i.e. not matched based on applicant backgrounds). My interview was unconventional. The professor I interviewed with had read my entire application, and started off by asking what questions I had for him. Because I had prepared a LOT, we spent almost half the interview answering my questions.

Then he asked me:

• What do I hope to do post-MBA?
• Why do I think Cambridge will help me achieve my career goals?
• What’s my leadership style?
• What will I bring to the Cambridge Judge class?

Nothing surprising at all. The professor was hard to read, so I wasn’t immediately sure if he liked my answers or not, but I felt like I conveyed my story and my strengths. The rest of the interview day consisted of:

• An Intro to Cambridge Judge session
• Careers informational session with Conrad Chua
• Small-group career discussions with one of their external career consultants
• Lunch with current students
• 2-hour walking tour of Cambridge (which was easily my favorite part of the day as they hired such personable and funny tour guides!)
• Tea & snacks reception to end the day

Overall, Cambridge Judge did a great job of selling the school and giving applicants plenty of opportunities to ask questions of faculty / students / ad-com and network with each other.

Result: I found out I was accepted 4 days after the interview day, and I was also awarded a substantial merit-based bursary.

After your Cambridge / Judge MBA interview, be sure to add your first-hand interview report to the Clear Admit Interview Archive.