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Carnegie Mellon Tepper Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for Carnegie Mellon Tepper Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom

30-minute interview over Zoom with Adcom (blind/resume only)

The interview was very conversational. The questions asked were all questions that have shown up on here before.

Describe your current role to me. (I had recently gotten promoted so the adcom asked how my new role was different from my prior role)
Career goal?
Why MBA?
Why Tepper?
What interested me in getting into my current career?
Tell me about a time where you had to complete a task and you didn’t have the information necessary to complete a task.
Tell me about a time when you had to compromise in your team.
Tell me about a time where you taught something to others/more junior employees.
The adcom made sure to leave 5 minutes for me to ask questions.