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Carnegie Mellon Tepper Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom

Image for Carnegie Mellon Tepper Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Adcom / Zoom

The interview lasted about 25 min rather than the allotted 30. My interviewer was Tiffany Jackson, she was extremely nice. The interview mostly consisted of me answering her questions, but left about 10-15 min at the end for my questions at the end.

1. Tell me about your current work position.
2. Why do you want to pursue an MBA?
3. Why Tepper?
4. Name a time you did not have enough information on a project, how did you overcome it?
5. Name a time you had to compromise on a project.
6. Name a time you sought out opportunities to embrace people from other cultures.
7. Any questions for me?